Magic Plants |

It is well known that having plants in your home is so good for your health, your happiness and the good harmony of your home.

We have to choose to focus on plants that attract good energy to your space, that is our «magic plants.»

Well, let's start with some of the magical plants and what they can give us or influence us.


Bamboo is known to attract joy and wealth. It offers protection and luck, it can break curses and grant us wishes! Bamboo is said to help increase mental flexibility, aid in spiritual growth, help people develop artistic talents, and promote good health. If you are depressed bamboo is a great plant to have in your home as it can help you feel less stuck.


Honeysuckle brings money to the house and offers protection. Some people believe that crushing the flowers and placing them next to your forehead can increase psychic powers. The smell of honeysuckle sharpens intuition as well. In addition to smelling absolutely amazing, honeysuckle also has delicious edible nectar. It has medicinal properties. The flowers contain 12 antiseptic compounds that are active against many microorganisms that cause not only respiratory problems, but sore throat, colds and pneumonia. It has also been burned as incense throughout the world since ancient times. It is said that this is one of the magical plants.


Jasmine attracts love and money to your home and encourages prophetic dreams! Jasmine oil is known to be one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, making this a fantastic plant for single girls or anyone who wants to keep the romance alive! Jasmine flowers are often worn by high priestesses. Incredibly, jasmine flowers open at night.


Lemon In addition to being bright and happy, lemons are a fantastic thing to have around the house! They symbolize purification and friendship, it is said that if you use diluted lemon oil during the full moon, it will help tune your energies. It would also be ideal to use lemons to season food and salads! Another little trick is to have half a lemon on the table with some cloves, in addition to the aroma, it repels bad energies and spirits.


Lavender smells wonderful and is known for uplifting and calming. A drop of lavender oil on your pillow will send you to sleep in two seconds, provides a feeling of inner peace and is great for relieving headaches. The scent of lavender is said to attract men and supposedly to help you see spirits…! Lavender as part of the magical plants is one of the most relaxing aromas that exist. There are lots of different varieties of lavender.

Roses in miniatures

Roses are said to have the highest vibration of all living things. They attract love, healing and luck, offer protection and healing and help with divination of all kinds.

Full size roses are a little ridiculous to grow indoors, but miniature roses are very hardy and beautiful. The plant can be kept at home for some time but eventually it will also need sun.

The color of the rose has a meaning too. The white: Purification and healing, positive energy. White with red details: Devotion and passion. Purples: Peace, spirituality and friendship. Pink: romantic, love, sweetness, fun and play. Fuchsia: A passion for life, radical self-love, deep love and acceptance of our physical body. Lavender: Spirituality. Red: Passionate, true love.


Orchids represent love, they attract love, they can calm the soul and deepen friendships. The ancient Greeks associated orchids with fertility and virility, making them a great gift for dads-to-be.


Rosemary boosts your brain power, can help you get a good night's rest and helps keep you young (so they say). This herb attracts love, has great protection and purification properties, helps healing and is even used in exorcisms.

One of the best things about rosemary is that you can eat it however you want! Improves memory and mood, relieves pain and freshens breath! Just like basil is used in cooking.


Laurel is well known for its protective qualities. It also represents immortality, longevity, wisdom and the granting of wishes. Of course, if you grow wise, you will laurel wreaths! It can also be used in the kitchen. Bay leaf infusions increase clairvoyance.