Each zodiacal sign has one or several stones that represent it and influence the decisions and personality of those born on those dates, so you will notice that you could make predictions about events that will happen in the future or at least prepare so that they are not so difficult.

Ruby and red jasper correspond to Aries, they protect from negative energies such as the evil eye, envy, headaches, even intense fevers because they give some emotional balance and strength to the spirit.

Amethyst and rose quartz are the stones of Taurus, with which they regenerate and give extra energy both physically and psychologicallyeliminates the energy if it is not positive and calms the bad character.

Amber and beryl belong to Gemini, they favor communication and it is appropriate to give to students and writers and social communicators; also through amber it gives balance and tranquility.

The rock crystal, the pearl and the silver, are for those of the Cancer sign, the first allows to achieve patience and tranquility and establishes contact with important people; the pearl increases passion.

The Leo sign is protected by a large number of gems, including opal, Sardinian jasper, topaz, chrysoberyl, yellow amber and tiger’s eye, which protects you from envy and is an amulet for your good luck.

Topaz, rose quartz and aventurine correspond to Virgo, this last absorbs negative energies and provides balance between the physical and the spiritualbrings happiness, while topaz stimulates intelligence and develops intuition.

Agate and Jade are for Libra, with the first it achieves very positive vibrations that give security, firmness and absorbs negative energies, on the other hand Jade gives stability but when placed in a fixed place.

Sun stone and fire agate are stones of the sign of Scorpio, the first is protective and is used to obtain physical energy in times of fatigue, tension or illness, it is recommended for women who explore their masculine part.

Chalcedony, emerald and turquoise are stones of Sagittarius, which is a sign of water; chalcedony is made of quartz, it gives calm and serenity, ideal for those who carry out dangerous work; emerald develops intuition.

The diamond and obsidian support Capricorn, the diamond should only be worn by a person who is pure of heart, loyal and honest, and obsidian is used to attract the opposite sex that favors serenity and inner peace.

The sapphire is positive, it belongs to the sign of Aquarius, provides joy in the couple and keeps infidelity away, giving stability to it; brings luck in matters of money and material matters.

The aquamarine and the amethyst of the Pisces sign, are two gems used since ancient times, the aquamarine or stone of the sailors is believed to favor spiritual development and the amethyst that calms violent or angry people.

Choose, buy and use the stone that corresponds to your sign, whether for protection, encouragement or to ensure that their love continues serene and magical as it has been up to now.