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What is the legend and meaning of the flower of hell?
Since time immemorial, diverse cultures, such as the Mexican who celebrates the Day of the Dead, have associated with the beautiful spider lily with death. In the rich Mexican tradition, the flower of hell symbolizes the transition between life and death. Its exotic red color flowers represent the Renaissance and spiritual renewalconnecting them with the cycle of life and death. However, this concept can vary according to the country, culture and individual interpretations.
In the Japanese mythology, It is said that these flowers sprout in the battlefields, Marking the places where the warriors fell into combat. This mysterious aspect makes them a source of inspiration for popular culture and for those who seek to capture their fascinating attraction. Literature has enriched their symbolism, attributing meanings that tThey scratch their physical appearance.
In Korea, It is said that who cultivates this flower in his garden You will not be lucky in love, since, despite the red distinctive associated in the West with passion, in Korea this flower symbolizes the unrequited love, The impossible or even suicide. It is said that under the Hell flower, a corpse is buried, although the idea comes from flowering in cemeteries. In addition, due to the appearance of flame of its flowers, there is the myth that Bringing them home can cause a fire.
The flower of hell is very special and great representative of the love we have our loved ones.Forthdevil / Unspash
Lycoris Radiata flower toxicity
The Lycoris Radiata It is a very seductive flower, however, you should know that it also contains toxic substances that can be dangerous for you and your pets.
These substances are known as alkaloids and are found in their bulbs and leaves, if you eat it, it will cause stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Although if the consumption was in gratuity, it is very likely that you generate intense abdominal pains and cardiovascular disorders.
In the case of pets, they can experience reactions very similar to those of humans and, in severe cases, ingestion will cause damage to internal organs, even take their lives.
Tip: The best thing is that you manipulate your flower of hell with gloves since, although it has not been shown that direct contact causes skin irritation, the best thing is that you prevent any skin reaction.
Prevent your little one from being close to children and your pets, as well as food and kitchen utensils.
His name may seem chilling, but its meaning is much more special, especially within the history of life and death.