Lust is betrayed by the eyes

A study done in USA revealed that those who have love interests look at the face, while those who feel desire observe the rest of the body.

The study was carried out with psychologists from the University of Chicago and the University of Geneva, in which participants were asked to look at black-and-white photos of heterosexual couples and adults interacting with each other. Subsequently, they saw photos of attractive people of the opposite sex, who were looking directly at the camera at the time of being photographed.

The University of Chicago detailed on its website that the researchers evaluated the eye movement of the participants, determining that those who showed romantic interest used to look at the face, while the participants who had feelings of lust and of a sexual nature, looked at the rest of the body.

According to the researchers, this study showed how quickly the brain processes emotions. In this regard John Cacioppo, co-author of the report mentioned: «By identifying eye patterns and the stimuli of their movements, we can tell the difference between romantic sentiment and sexual desire.»

Source: Metro

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