Luna Agua: How to collect it and use it to attract abundance

He Luna waterif we think about it, it is a gift from the universe and nature, it is one of the simplest or most easily obtaining potions or elíxirs and of those that have the most properties, depending on how we want to use it. We can even identify, catalog it and store it for different objectives, and best of all, we will never face the shortage or high prices, it will always be available to anyone who knows how to get it.

To collect Luna water It is only necessary to be very clear for what you are going to use it. On this occasion, as we will talk about Luna water for abundance ritualswe will use the full moon waterwhich represents fertility, fortune, openness, abundance, new beginnings and purification. To do this, we just have to wait at the right moment of the full moon. For this, it is necessary to take into account the maximum point of the Moon, for which you can support yourself with a lunar calendar and set the position of the land in which you are well. Once you know the exact day and time, it only brings together some containers (glass, preferably), clean them well, it also passes a little incense inside and out, and fill them with clean water, it doesn't matter if it is from the tap or purified water, and leave all your containers near the window or some table at night, although the ideal is that it is on the outside, so that it is on the outside, so that it is on the outside, so that it is on the outside Full. Leave it all night and retire it in the morning, before they give the direct rays of the sun, if possible, activate an alarm so you can pick it up just before dawn. When removing it, warehouse it well, in a cool place, away from the sun and well sealed. Ready, you have you Luna water For all the rituals you imagine!

Purification ritual

What do you need?

Full moon water
Grain salt
Cinnamon or vanilla incense