Luis Garavito, the serial killer with the record for fatal victims

(Doug Firmino)

Luis Alfredo Garavito (1957-)
place of business Colombia
deaths More than 300

1) Luís Garavito was born in Genoa, in the interior of Colombia, on January 25, 1957. The eldest son of a family with seven siblings, he grew up in a violent home, suffered verbal and physical abuse from his father and was bullied at school. In addition, he was the victim of sexual abuse committed by two neighbors several times.

two) He left home at age 16 and went to a neighboring town. He couldn’t hold down a steady job because he would have tantrums and go after his bosses. His most stable job was as a street vendor, selling religious statues and prayer cards.

3) With difficulties to maintain a job and emotional stability, Garavito He became an alcoholic at the age of 21. He even tried to commit suicide! He sought assistance services in Colombia, but the psychological help he received focused only on depression. And he dealt with much worse problems…

4) He had a desire to kill. In 1992, aged 45, he finally caved. His favorite targets were children between the ages of 8 and 16. He would approach offering gifts or a little money, or asking for help carrying something. Then he would take the victim to a secluded area or until he got tired.

+ Spoken Portrait: Aleister Crowley, the Most Influential Occult Magician of the 20th Century

+ Spoken Portrait: Ted Bundy, one of the most famous serial killers in the USA

5) Then, he tied the child with a rope or duct tape and committed sexual abuse. Afterwards, he attacked her with kicks and punches, and, with the help of a knife or a screwdriver, he cut off fingers, hands, ears and eyes. The fatal blow was the beheading, but, on some occasions, it still took the head or limbs from the corpse.

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6) To escape the police, he lived in constant movement: over the course of seven years, he passed through 54 cities in Colombia and some in Ecuador (which asks for his extradition to this day). He also changed appearance and method of approach. He even dressed as a doctor, a monk, a charity worker and a beggar.

7) Trying to solve the wave of disappearances, the police even considered the existence of a satanic cult. The height of the hunt was the discovery of a ditch with 36 bones in the city of Pereira, in November 1997. Garavito entered the list of suspects, assembled from witness statements and local hotel records.

8) He was arrested on April 22, 1999, in Villavivencio, while trying to rape a 12-year-old. Authorities thought it was an isolated case, but he admitted to the murder of 140 children and handed over a notebook with the location and name of each victim. Justice estimates indicate that the actual total could reach 300.

+ Spoken Portrait: David Koresh, the “prophet” who caused the death of 80 followers

+ Spoken Portrait: William MacDonald, Australia’s first serial killer

9) The serial killer was convicted of 138 of the 172 charges he received, with a final sentence of 1853 years and nine days in prison. But, by the laws of the time, he could only spend 30 years in prison. His collaboration with the police has reduced the total to 22. In prison, he lives isolated from other inmates and only accepts water or food delivered by trusted people.


He’s in Villavivencio jail. Public opinion has been pressing for the penalty to be extended, but if nothing changes, he will go free in 2021

SOURCES Sites Murderpedia, Week, Era, Folha de S.Paulo, BBC, Asesinos en Serie It is the country; books El Gran Fracaso de la Fiscalia: 192 Ninos Asesinadosby Mauricio Aranguren Molina, and In the Mental Laberintos of Garavitoby Juan José Cañas and Ángela Tapias

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