Lucky brooms and what it means to have your feet swept with a broom

What it means to have your feet swept with a broom The broom has been associated with symbolism for centuries. In ancient times, brooms in the temple were sacred and only those with clean hands were allowed to use them.

Over the years, many broom and sweeping superstitions have lurked.


Lucky brooms and the way they should be swept esoterically

Would you think it matters how you sweep? It matters a lot. You should always start at the door and sweep the dust inside.

Once you have gathered all of your dust, you can take it outside to the trash.

It is said that if you sweep the dust towards the front door, you will sweep away your luck.

In some places in South America, they take extra precautions by sweeping the outside door. Before you begin your sweeping job, fill a bucket with warm water and basil. Soak the broom in the bucket and sweep. This is supposed to bring luck to the home. They say it’s luckier if you do it nine days in a row.

However, others say that you should submerge your broom in water with cinnamon. That should bring luck.

Many Chinese who are prone to superstition will never sweep their home on the first two days of the Chinese New Year. That would be like sweeping all the good luck out of the home for the next year.

What it means to have your feet swept with a broom and other superstitions

Many people wonder what it means to have your feet swept with a broom. Let’s see next: The old superstition tells us that it is better not to sweep the feet of a single person. If you do, that person will never marry. All hope is not gone. If that person remembers to immediately spit on the broom, the «spell» is broken.

Another strange superstition was that if an unmarried woman walked over a broom lying on the ground, she would become pregnant out of wedlock.

Wait a couple of hours after your guest has left before sweeping the room. Superstitious believes that if you sweep the room immediately after the guest has left, the guest will never come back for another visit.

You should never sweep your house the first three days of mourning. It was said that this would sweep away prosperity and would certainly offend the souls of the recently deceased. This was and still is a superstition found in many parts of Africa.

In Europe it was said that it was very unlucky to sweep your house after dark.

In England there was an old superstition in the 19th and 20th centuries that a new broom should never be brought into the house during the month of May. The reason is that the trees from which the brooms were made begin to flower in May. That would be inviting bad luck. Some went a step further and refused to sweep during the month of May. All of this was bad news for broom sellers.


store your broom

When storing your broom, always place it with the bristles facing up. According to old superstition, this act was a symbol of protection and good luck.

It makes sense if we ignore the superstitious aspect. Placing the broom with the bristles facing up when you are not using it will help ensure that the bristles stay in good condition for longer.


A new broom for a new home

If you plan to move, never pack your broom. It’s bad luck to move an old broom to a new house. Always buy a new broom for your new residence. If you want more luck, make sure the new broom is in place before you move.

Also be sure to sweep something inside the house with your new broom before you sweep the dust out of the house.

Remember the golden rule: never sweep the dust from your house through the front door.


What does it mean to jump the broom at a wedding?

The broomstick wedding was a common term during the 18th and 19th centuries in England.

Jumping the broom referred to weddings that were not commonly considered legal weddings.

In America, slaves living on plantations led horrible lives. They were often denied the right to marry. Naturally, they fell in love and longed to commit to the love of their life.

The slaves solved the problem by having their own death ceremony. wedding Known as «Jumping the broom».

When the bride and groom jumped over the broom together, they were considered a marriage. The broom was symbolic of sweeping away the old and making way for new beginnings.

Others claim that the stick on the ground represented their new home. They jump into their new home together as a couple.

Lately, many African-Americans have started taking this ancient ritual as a way to recognize and honor their ancestors.


The importance of the wood of the broomstick

Old tradition says that the wood the broom was made of mattered.

Oak wood represented power, strength and protection. The oak was the sacred tree of the Norse god Thor and the Greek god Zeus. The oak was also sacred to the Druids.

the wood of strawberryor was it for the indirect protection of the house. In Norse mythology, the World Tree called Yggdrasil was an ash tree. According to Norse mythology, the first man was created from the wood of the ash tree.

On a side note, brooms made from ash wood were also believed to help witches fly faster.

A broomstick made from Redwood symbolizes longevity. The reason is pretty obvious, as redwood trees can live for a few thousand years.

Beech wood symbolizes prosperity and stability.

Walnut wood represented good health.

The wood from the pine was simply good luck for the home. It was also rumored that the pine forest could keep ghosts away.

Maple wood was supposed to bring love and prosperity to the home. In Asia, the maple leaf represents lovers.

The connection between maple and love seems to cross continents. Early American settlers placed a maple leaf at the foot of their bed to ensure great sex followed by peaceful sleep.


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