love spells with urine

The world of moorings is quite broad, that is why we should not miss anything, spells with love and honey are really effective on their own, but one of the elements to achieve more effective results is to use urine.

The motive is purely instinctive. Thanks to urine you will attract even more that person you love and want by your side in a physical way.

Using honey and candles you will have surprising results more on a spiritual level.

For this reason, on this occasion, I channel this love spell using both types of spells, which makes it practically a mooring.

The effectiveness of homemade urine spells is real, they are extremely powerful in fact sometimes their power is too uncontrollable, you will make that person see you much more provocative, beautiful, attractive thanks to these powerful spells.

Love spells with urine and honey

This is the first spell that we have for you, it is really easy, but powerful, if you want that person to be by your side forever, that they cannot get you out of their head, that they live thinking of you all the time, then this is the spell. necessary, a powerful and unique mooring that will give you more of what you are looking for.

For this you will need:

  • The first urine of the morning
  • two red apples
  • Honey
  • Paper
  • Ballpoint
  • Glass jar.

One day before performing the spell you must cut the apples into small pieces and place them in the glass jar together with the honey, leave them there overnight to macerate.

In the morning when you wake up put the person’s name on the paperwrite it big and clear, fold it seven times (without it being in half, or you won’t be able to) and then put it inside the pot, the next thing is to urinate (or put the urine) in the pot with the first urination of the day.

Close the jar and bury it underground. Once all this is concluded, he repeats the following with great faith:

«With my urine I (your name) tie you up, tie you up and unite you to my side so that you do not walk away, I am here today begging the spirits that you remain tied to my feet. With my urine I unite you, I force you, with my urine I bend you and with the strength of the universe I order you not to sleep without me, never in peace.»

Spells to make someone fall in love with you, with honey, sugar and urine

Another kind of made of love with sugar, honey and urine: the sweet ingredients will give you the power you need to be able to emerge.

This spell is perfect to make the person who does not pay any attention to you fall in love, who has not yet noticed you.

This spell is made with a photo of your loved one + the aforementioned elements and the glass jar with a lid. The sugar must be brown, it is important important.

The first thing you should do is cover the bottom of the jar with honey and put a photo of the person you like on top, put the urine inside the pot and place four tablespoons of sugar, to finish close the pot and bury it in a safe place .

Love spells with urine and candles

These are really effective spells, especially if you want to recover a partner that you lost and also this ritual is extremely easy, you will only need a photo of your partner and you together and in love, a red thread, a glass jar, white candles and a little your urine should be the first thing in the morning.

Start by urinating a bit in a pot, then dip the red thread there, take it out and let it dry completely, then take that same son and tie the photo making three knots, each time you make one you will say the following sentence:

«I declare your love, return to my lover, I bind you to me forever».

Finally, light the white candle with the photo below and let it burn down little by little. After the ritual, place the photo under the pillow for 7 days.

Spells with urine so that he looks for me

This type of spell with urine to get him to look for me is an ancient white magic ritual that works when we want to reconcile with our ex.


1 red rose.

1 white rose.

Perfume (the one your ex likes the most).

1 jar with lid.

1 photo of your ex.


We take the red rose and cut the stem, it is placed in the jar with the petals facing up, then we take the photo and write our name and that of our ex on the back, it is placed on the rose trying to make it stop in the center of the Rose.

The petals are removed from the white rose and they are placed in the jar around the photo, adding a little perfume on them. Then, we add urine to the bottle trying to make it the first urine of the morning, so it is advisable to leave everything fixed the night before.

The jar is covered and stored under the bed for three days and then buried. When our ex returns, he digs himself up, opens the jar and throws the entire contents of the spell with urine so that he desperately searches for me.