If you want to attract love quickly and easily, love spell rituals with candles are the most appropriate. Just as they are easy, they are for strong people, once done, you cannot go back. The spells can be made by anyone, experience is not required, but perseverance, faith and patience are required. It is advisable to do it on Fridays since it is the day of Venus.
Red candles to fan the flame of love
Universally the color red has been called the color of love, passion and harmony in a relationship. You need 5 red candles, a pen with red ink and a sheet of white paper. On the sheet, write the name of your longed-for love 3 times with the pen and write your name around it. Fold the paper 3 times. Place the candles lit and in the shape of a heart, and in the center the paper. Evoke in a profound way the person you love while repeating the phrase: “I wish that we unite, and our destinies be crossed. We will always love each other.»
You must use this powerful phrase for a week, repeating it whenever you can. By doing this, you are maintaining contact with the energies in charge of granting the wish.
Red candles to strengthen love
There is a lot of force that a mooring with candles can generate, and if they are red, they are very effective because they strengthen the union of the couple without the fear of third parties or separation. To carry out the ritual, you must have a full-length image of your love, two red candles, a picture frame and its perfume at hand.
The candles are placed on some bases, where they cannot be moved, one next to the other, the perfume is placed on the image, this image must be placed in the photo frame that you must place in front of the candles. Finally, imagine everything you want for your relationship and in this way you will soon achieve your wish.
red candles and pins
In the world of red candle love spells, imagination is the limit. In this spell you will need a photograph where the person you love appears in full body. You also need 10 red candles and 3 white-headed pins.
For this spell, you must place the photo under your pillow joining it with the 3 pins. These pins should go through three vital points of the person in the photo, the head, the heart and the stomach. The candles should be placed in the shape of a heart in a corner of your room where no one has access.
While you are attaching the photo to the pillow you must recite the following incantation: «Oh my beloved, I ask the superior forces for our union, that in your mind there is only me, that in your heart there is only me and that in your life you only feel emotions of love for me, because I am for you and you are for me. I ask the great heavenly forces that our love last with eternity.
After this, light one of the candles with a lot of conviction of what you are going to receive in exchange for this spell and let them burn out while you sleep. You must repeat the process for ten days.