love spells with pictures

Love spells are extremely powerful, so it is good that you are encouraged to prove that magic really exists and is there for you to use in your favor. In this chance I bring you a powerful spell that you are going to do using magnets and photos, these are the most powerful, we will also learn spells using your urine and menstruation, they are quick spells that will make that person you love so much stay by your side forever.

How to make love spells with photos?

These moorings are extremely quick to do and also super effective, the love of your partner will stay with you wherever you go. In the spells with photos, white magic is used, so you will not cause harm to anyone, you will only breathe a peaceful environment and peace of mind, but for everything to go well it is important that you follow the steps to the letter.

Love spells with a photo on the shoe

This powerful spell is used to woo, seduce and dominate the person you want, for this spell you only need a photo of the person you want to dominate, a red pen, and a lot of dedication and faith. What you have to do is sit down and take the photo, turn it over, with the pen you are going to write the name of the person you want and yours united in one heart. Find one of your shoes and use the left one, put on the shoe and stomp three times, reciting the following prayer:

«I dominate you, I dominate you, everything you will do will be for my good.»

Love spells with photos and magnet

This spell is used to make that person you love so much fall in love with you, it is a spell that attracts and facilitates the approach of two people to do so you need two magnets that they attract, a photograph of your loved one, a candle and a red cloth bag.

The first thing you have to do is clean your body with cold water and wash the magnet also with cold water and then you are going to bury them for three days, once the time is up it is time to dig up and put The magnets Face to face, you must ensure that both faces touch each other, then put the photo in the middle of the two magnets so that they are held by the force of attraction. Light the candle in front of the photo and repeat the following prayer:

«Name of the beloved, by the lodestone I attract you to me, I bind you and I never loose you»

When the candle burns out, put everything in the red bag and bury it under a tree.

Love spells with photos and honey

The love spell with honey and photos, you are going to need some honey, a jar, the photo of the person you love and a pencil. Take the image and write the full name of the person three times in a row, then rotate the photo and write yours on top of his, think about what you want to achieve by making the mooring and write it in a sentence next to the names. After this she draws many hearts.

Fill the jar with honey, the photo, and brush it with your fingers sweet, then say:

«AYes, our love will be sweet and it will have no end.

Store it for two months under your bed.

Love spells with photos and pins

This is a spell that is done to make the person come back to you, no matter where they will come to you humiliated and looking for love, you will need a photo of whole body, 1 red candles, a pillow and three red pins. Take the picture of the person and use the pins to stick the picture to the pillow. Then make a heart out of pins on his head.

Then afterwards do the same on the stomach then recite the following prayer:

«I want you to come to me, that you think of me, that your deep love be for me, that you desire me and that you want to see me today.»

Take Pillow and you are going to place it next to you on the floor, you are going to light the candle, you are going to do this for 10 nights in a row. Once you finish doing that it is time to burn everything and bury it.

Love spells with photo and urine

Urine ties are much stronger and are used to make that person fall in love with you. To do this, you will need a red rose, urine, a photo of yourself and your partner, a red thread, and a bottle of glass.

Divide the apple into two halves, when you will have it ready, join these two halves and make a hearttake the photos and put them face to face, join the two parts of the apple so that the photos are in the middle, join them with the thread.

He urinates in the glass jar and enters the apple and the rose petals, keep it for seven days and when this happens keep it in a safe place. If you do it with menstruation the effect is much better.