love spells with honey

These spells have been the most effective throughout history because they are white magic and because of the sweet effect that honey has, which facilitates the attraction of the other person rekindled the passion and for them to see you more attractive. Use these spells with honey when you want to draw attention to a person you want, or also if you want to fan the flame of love and sexuality with your current partner.

For this spell you require:

  • Honey
  • A white sheet of paper with a pencil
  • A jar (better small so as not to waste honey)

Write in the center of the paper the full name of the person of interest and on the back of the paper, also in the center, place your name three times. This causes a crossover effect, which can be translated into meeting this couple, meeting again if it is an old love or ex-partner, or meeting spiritually in the event that you do it to rekindle your relationship.

Next you must write around his name, in the form of a circle, what you want.

Fold the paper in four and introduce it to the jar covered with honey and reciting 3 times:

«As the sweetness of honey, so will it be for me, he»

Love spell with honey and photos

In the event that we want to soften a relationship that is in a bad phase, either because they are angry, or because there is no chemistry anymore, you can perform a «sweetening» spell. This will open a period of time where both parties in the relationship will feel something similar to the magic of the beginning and will be able to rekindle the flame that brought them together.

For this spell you need:

  • A jar, brown sugar
  • A photo of the person to whom the spell is directed (printed, it must be on paper)

The photo is placed in the jar and the honey is poured to the top along with the sugar; it is removed while the person is visualized and you recite 9 times:

«everything moves, everything is sweetened, that your love for me stays here»

with honey and urine

As we already discussed in urine bindings, these spells have a more sexual, more instinctive nature of love. I do not recommend them to try to connect in a spiritual way, and if more in an aspect of desire.

With this spell we will use:

  • Two containers with lids
  • The photo of the desired person
  • Honey
  • your urine

The honey is placed in the container, and the urine in another similar one.

Next, in a garden or park (if you don’t have one nearby, it can be done in a pot full of earth) a hole is made where the photo is deposited while you pour the urine and recite the following incantation:

«You will be attracted by my essence.»

Finally, let the honey run over the photo and at the same time repeat:

«My lips are the sweetest thing you are going to taste in your life.» So be it.

With honey, cinnamon and sugar

This spell must be performed on a full moon and for this you will use:

  • Honey
  • red rose petals
  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar
  • A photo of your loved one and one of you
  • A sheet of paper where your wish is written
  • A dish.

Place your photo facing up, on top of it the writing and then cover it with your photo face down.

Finally pour the honey in the photo, the petals and the cinnamon.

You must take the plate out for three nights on the terrace, garden or window. Highly recommend if you can during a full moon. After this time you can discard all the material.

With honey and perfume

With this spell you can drive a woman crazy with love (it is specific for men to do).

You require:

  • A photo of her and another of you
  • your favorite perfume
  • six red roses
  • A jar
  • A red cord.
  • a little honey

Place the petals inside the jar and pray:

«Just like my love for you, I want it to be yours towards me, until you feel nothing for anyone else.»

Sprinkle your perfume and honey on top of the petals and then place the facing photos joined by the red cord repeating the opening sentence.

Put everything inside the jar, cover it for 7 days.

After a week, open it and let the aroma invade your environment so that your love reaches it.