Love spell with cigarette and sugar

Love spells that are made with cigarettes have been used since ancient times, since cigarettes, in addition to being used for cleaning, are an excellent ally when it comes to love spells.

Surely you do not know of any spell that is made with a cigarette to fall in love, because we tell you that this is one of the most powerful love spells apart from the fact that the spells that are made with smoke are very simple to make and work very quickly .

History of love spells with cigarettes

In the history of humanity, strong spells have been created with which you can attract love, make it call you, to forget your ex or if you want your partner to return, you can find many white magic rituals where use cigarette smoke to be more effective.

In ancient times and now, there are countless shamans and healers who have used tobacco and the smoke of other substances with the aim of being able to contact the gods and thus achieve their favor, since it works as a means of communication between the human and spiritual world.

The smoke symbolizes the mystery, it is something mystical and at the same time, powerful. Many of the spells performed with a cigarette are subtle and do not have a greater effect, while the most powerful involve the loved one consciously or unconsciously participating in the ritual.

There are many love spells with cigarettes, but we especially recommend one of the simplest and most effective ones here and it is supported by the experience of many people whom it has helped. So don’t wait any longer to do it.

Love spell with cigarette and sugar to call us

This is a homemade love spell that is made with a cigarette and that will make that person who is so special show much more interest in you because it is time for them to focus only on you and make you feel fulfilled.

Once this mooring is done, you will feel different, much more attractive than usual and that everyone notices you.


  • A cigar
  • a few drops of anise
  • Sugar
  • a glass container

You take the glass container, and you put a cigarette inside and then fill it with sugar, if it can be made from cane then it will be much better since it is more natural. Step to follow, it should be left covered for a full day.

The next day, take a drop of anise and wet the cigarette holder with it, then light it with a wooden match and smoke calmly until it is finished while internally pronouncing the following sentence:

May your senses be sweetened with the sweetness of this cigar, so that you only see me and I am the sweetest flavor for you, as it should be, and so it will be.

Spell to fall in love with a cigarette

This is the most powerful love spell that can be done with a cigarette, it is a ritual that is done with a cigarette to attract the loved one and it serves to make the person we like seek to have a relationship with us.

To attract the love you want thanks to this powerful cigar ritual, you will only need the following ingredients:

  • A cigar
  • A glass beaker (new)
  • a cup of sugar
  • A red pencil
  • a white sheet

You take the glass and add a little sugar, then the cigar is introduced and you continue placing the rest of the sugar, the important thing is that the cigar is right in the center, when we have filled it in its entirety, you leave it overnight under the light of the moon.

The next day the sheet is taken and you write the full name of the person to whom the mooring is applied, you take the cigar out of the glass and light it with a wooden match and then proceed to smoke it.

While smoking relaxed, you must expel the smoke seven times above the sheet where you wrote the name of your loved one, and simultaneously visualize their image after each puff of smoke.