Love messages sent by a man in love

When a man really loves his partner, he sends these kinds of messages of love, and they are not just words!

They say that men they are not very good at expressing their love nor their feelings in general, since they tend to hide them due to their upbringing and prejudice.

That is why, in most cases, we have to read between the lines what they feel; Few will be the ones who tell you «I love you» in the middle of a romantic dinner like a Hollywood movie.

But they do send messages of love, we just have to decipher them

If they tell you or write messages like…

«How are you?» or “have you eaten yet?” or “do you need something?”

Only someone who cares about your health and well-being truly loves you.

«Will you accompany me?» or «»you go with me please» or «without you I’m not going»

Show that he prefers your company to that of others.

«I miss you»

Although it may not seem like it, this simple phrase shows more love than «I love you», because it means that he thinks of you constantly.

It also vibrates with…

“I am proud of you” or “how proud” or “congratulations, I am very proud of you”

If he writes you messages like these it is because he feels that being by your side is a privilege.

«I’ll pick you up» or «don’t come, I’ll go»

He cares about your safety and behaves like a gentleman with you.

“I really like the way you are” or “I love you”

This can be a very overused pick-up line, but if your guy says something like this to you after you’ve been dating for a while, he’s on it!

“I support you 100% whatever you decide” or “count on me”

He is making it very clear to you that no matter what happens, you are a priority for him, and that is priceless. That goes even beyond love.

If your partner tells you things like these, share this note!, and if not… also! You’ll get the hints.

With information from: Modern Ghanaian