Love letters to fall in love and captivate

If you don’t know how to express everything you feel for that boy or girl, we show you some love letters to fall in love to that special person.

The best thing about being in love is to show that beautiful feeling, that’s why here you will find several love letters to conquer, leave that person sighing and of course steal their heart.

Love letters to fall in love and transmit feelings

If you are determined to conquer that person you love and makes your heart beat a thousand times an hour, you can dedicate these beautiful love letters not only to enchant but to win their love.

To remind him how important he is to you

Every time I look at you, something inside me lights up and although I want to avoid it, I blush and smile just for you. It’s just that you’re everything I’ve always dreamed of and now that I’ve found you, I feel so happy that I don’t even think about letting you go. For this reason, I will do everything in my power so that you are by my side and so that you end up as much in love as I am with you.

to express your feelings

You don’t know how much I would like to find the exact words that describe everything I feel for you. CI think I would spend my whole life searching and never get to express how much I love you. Therefore, I prefer to let my actions speak for me.. Y that with each passing day, you realize that, inside my heart, you occupy a really special place and that all the love that I carry inside belongs to you.

for the love of your life

It is your smile and look that captivate me and fill me with love and happiness. You make me the happiest person in the whole world, you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. There is nothing perfect but I love you so much and I promise to take care of you and make you the happiest person in the world.

Love letters to make a man fall in love

If what you want is to conquer that special boy or show him that your love is sincere, here are some love letter ideas that he will surely love.

for that special man

I want to tell you everything I feel, when you talk to me, when I see you, because I can’t silence this beautiful feeling that you put in me since the day I met you. I want to tell you that I am in love and that, without thinking about it, you ended up becoming my reason for living, in that special reason why I wake up every morning with a smile on my face and with a great determination to go out and conquer the world. For this reason, I am writing you this love letter and I express my wishes to be by your side, to show you how much I love you and how happy I can make you, if you decide to stay by my side one day.

to confess your feelings

So much time by your side and you still have no idea how important you are to me, because I haven’t found a way to tell you what I have inside. I have finally decided to do it and for this, I write you this love letter, in which I express my feelings and my greatest wish. And it is that although we have been good friends, I want us to be more than that, because I have discovered that in my heart there is a special place for something more than a friendship, and I want you to be the one to occupy that space, with sincere love and durable. Because I’m in love and I confess it, and because the only thing I want is that you feel the same, and we give ourselves the opportunity to be, more than friends, lovers.

Love letters to make a woman fall in love

Being with someone you love is the most beautiful thing that can happen to you, love represents trust, harmony and kindness. So if you want that woman to always look at you with a sparkle in her eyes, these cards will work very well for you.

For my love

I write this love letter in case you ever forget how much I love you and how much you are worth. I have fallen in love with that strong, real and intelligent woman that you are. Because I love your humanity, your determination and your way of seeing things. I am clear that, since you entered my life, you revolutionized it. Until then, my understanding of love had been limited to what is shown in movies and read in books. But when I met you, I realized that love, when it’s real, is very different. That romantic and traditional fairy tale love does not do us justice; It’s not real or enough. You have taught me that love is synonymous with affection and passion, but above all with respect and trust. I know you don’t need to be with me, just as I don’t need to be with you. And precisely what makes our relationship so great is that, although we don’t need it, we both want it.

for my special girl

Love! I don’t know how to tell you what I feel for you, and that’s why I trust that this love letter will help me express everything I have inside of me. It’s been a while since you broke into my life and transformed it in a way I could never have imagined. Because I have never felt this intensity of love before, this madness that makes me need you like no one else. I can hardly believe how lucky I am to have found you, just at the right time, when I already believed that there was no woman in this world destined for me, when I had already given up true love and shared my life with a fellow traveler to love. above everything else.

If you liked these love letters to surprise that special person, here at Vibra we give you other couple tips that you will surely love.