Lose weight without giving up carbohydrates, like this…

Do you go from diet to diet but nothing to lose weight? Maybe you’re not mixing your carbs properly.

When we want to lose weight, many of us eliminate carbohydrates from our diet (that is, flours, sweet fruits and «floury» vegetables) thinking that if we only eat protein and vegetables we will see results faster, however that does not workas nutritionist Ángela Quintas explains to Good Life. Although replacing some foods with others is not a bad idea…

These foods replace those that prohibit you when you are #diet https://t.co/lliuL7wDt8 pic.twitter.com/PKKkEbhOIe

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) April 1, 2016

This expert assures said medium that the key is not to banish carbohydrates from your diet, but to eat them intelligently, because the problem is not carbohydrates as such, but how you are taking them to your body. Lose weight without giving up carbohydrates, like this…

  • Always accompany your carbohydrates with a protein: pasta with chicken, rice with fish (when have you seen a fat Japanese woman? And they spend their time eating sushi!), etc.
  • search don’t eat carbs at night not even before bed…

Find out why you get hungry at night, what you should eat and what not, here @JaoBonilla http://t.co/8llXDaFCTS pic.twitter.com/X2Ottz8nFI

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) May 13, 2015

  • It is preferable eat the fruit than the juicebecause the body takes longer to digest it, so the absorption of its carbohydrates is slower…
  • If you are going to eat fruit at night, mix it with proteinlike low-fat cheese…

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Do you stop eating carbohydrates when you are on a diet? Write the answer in the comments, also share this note with your friends who go from diet to diet and lose weight, nothing, it will help them a lot!