Lollipop for esotericism (baths, how to clean, etc.)

Lollipop for esotericism A series of questions related to a plant called lollipop has arrived in our email. Some of these questions are: Could you post about lollipop baths, what is it for? How do you clean with lollipop? What is the use of bathing with lollipop? What is the lollipop with alcohol for?

Observing the interest in this topic, we have considered it appropriate to deal with it below, but first let’s see its general and botanical appearance.


General features

The pirul, scientific name Schinus molle, is also known as American pepper or California pepper. It is an evergreen tree that reaches up to 15 meters. The plant is native to the subtropical regions of South America – Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay and belongs to the Anacardiaceae family.

The pirul is a small to medium sized, branching, evergreen dioecious tree, growing about 15 meters tall and 5-10 meters wide, with slender pendent (drooping) branches forming a spreading crown.

It grows in abandoned fields, dry forests, along the banks of streams and rivers, and on hillsides. Sandy, well-drained soils are preferred, but it tolerates waterlogged, poorly drained, and infertile soils. It also tolerates alkalinity and salinity.


botanical aspect

Lollipop bark is initially smooth, gray-brown, later becoming irregularly furrowed with reddish-brown clefts and coarsely scaly grayish ridges. The twigs are thin, yellowish-green, and drooping.

Its leaves are alternate, imparipinnate on a winged rachis, with 9-20 pairs of opposite or alternate leaflets, sessile, narrowly lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 1.5-6 cm long by 0.2-0.8 cm wide. wide, the terminal leaflet smaller than the lateral ones, greyish-green, glabrous to sparsely puberulent with generally entire margins.

The flowers of the pirul are yellowish white and are borne profusely in hanging axillary clusters. The sepals are deltoid, 0.4 mm long; the petals are yellowish-white, narrowly oval, 1.5-2 mm long; styles and stigmas.

The flowers are followed by small, globose fruits, 5-8 mm in diameter, with woody seeds that turn from green to red, pink or purple to black. The fruits are presented in dense clusters of hundreds of berries that can be found throughout the year. The outside of the fruit is sweet, the inside bitter. The leaves of the bark and the fruits are highly aromatic when crushed. Let’s see, next, the lollipop for esotericism.


Its use in the spiritual

Lollipop what is esotericism used for # 1 Clean In relation to the question that we were asked, how do you cleanse with lollipop? We must explain that they can be used to cleanse a person of negative vibrations and or a home.

When cleaning a person, make sure that they are standing at the front door, with the door open and their back to the outside, and make sweeping motions to remove the negative. You can also clean the house in the same way, starting at the back door to the front of the house and going out the front door.


Lollipop for esotericism #2 To improve spiritual and physical health. Prepare a tea with 3 dried leaves in 2 glasses of water, boil and drink for three consecutive Sundays preferably on an empty stomach.


Lollipop for esotericism #3 Good luck and prosperity If its leaves are burned inside the house. things in general will begin to go more smoothly in your life, without depending on a great effort that sometimes does not give the desired result.

With the departure of bad energies from the house, space is opened for good things to stay in your life, attracting everything that is similar and therefore prosperity every day.

Challenges, projects and even common activities begin to seem easier to carry out, achieving the desired result, because everything around you will help you to make it work.


Lollipop what is it used for esotericism # 4 (lollipop baths what is it used for: Balance energy) When taking a lollipop bath, it is generally recommended to wear light-colored clothing for the next few days, and take time to rest.

This is important, because your energies will rebalance, removing the bad ones and attracting the good ones.

Once this balance is finished, once protected and away from what was bad for you, this balance tends to last a long time, which makes it easier to have a good life.

With your energies stabilized, you will be able to better face difficulties, overcome challenges and look around you in a new way.


Lollipop what is it for esotericism # 5 (lollipop baths what is it for: Improve the quality of life Using a lollipop bath is gaining more quality of life. Your environment will be cleansed of bad energies, attracting good things and facilitating life in harmony.

Keep in mind that this does not mean that everything will be easy, but that you will be able to deal with what you need, without letting it become a big problem or take over your days.

will be able

Face your difficulties;
Face your challenges lightly;
And still do not forget that there are good things around you beyond these problems.

Little by little, the power of the lollipop becomes your power, learning to allow only good things to enter your energy field and blocking everything that hurts you.


Other uses

In traditional medicine, the parts of the pirul tree (leaves, roots, fruits, bark and resin) have been used in the treatment of various ailments such as amenorrhea, bronchitis. gingivitis, gonorrhea, gout, tuberculosis, tumor, ulcer, urethritis, warts, wounds and urogenital and venereal diseases.

The lollipop tree has also been used for wounds and infections due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

It has also been used as an antidepressant, diuretic, and for toothache, rheumatism, and menstrual disorders.

also know Baths with rue to open paths for prosperity and luck

With a very strong characteristic smell, rue is a plant known for millennia for its healing powers and treatments (Read more)

Other known medicinal uses of the plant are as an astringent, balsamic, diuretic, expectorant, masticatory, stomachic, tonic and vulnerary.

The resinous gum obtained from the bark has been used in folk medicine to treat digestive disorders.

An essential oil distilled from the fruit is used as a spice in baked goods and candies.

If you want to receive more information about the lollipop for esotericism, you can write us directly to our email.


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