But while your cat may look to you as their butler, you have a responsibility to ensure that your cat’s life is not only comfortable, but safe too.
Labeling and Registration
Outdoor cats in particular should be marked with a microchip and registered in a database. In the event that your cat goes missing and is found elsewhere, it can be brought back to you. Always keep your personal information up to date.
Neutering your cat is a valuable procedure in many ways. On the one hand, it prevents unwanted offspring. This is especially important when indoor cats are allowed outside where they can mate with stray cats. So having your cat neutered also means that you are not contributing to the stray cat population that exists in many regions. Neutering also offers many other health and behavioral benefits for your cat.
housing or free range
Indoor cats lead a much safer life if the apartment is cat-proof. Outdoor cats are at risk of accidents or getting lost. On the other hand, they experience a much richer environment than indoor cats.
vet visit
An annual visit to the vet is essential. The vet will examine your cat and, if necessary, treat it for issues related to its current age, health, and breed. Your vet will also ensure that all necessary vaccinations are up to date. The earlier a health problem is identified, the faster and more effective the therapy can be.
Even if your cat grooms and cleans itself, it still needs your help from time to time. Think of the regular grooming. Brush the animal regularly, especially if it has long hair. You will discover uninvited guests (fleas) all the faster and it supports the change of fur. Also consider that the range of care includes tooth and nail care. Regular dental care is necessary to prevent tartar formation and toothache. Dental care can be done in many ways: classically by brushing teeth or by feeding them special food. What the claw care concerns: shorten the claws as needed, this is mainly necessary for older animals.
weight control
In order to be able to determine whether your cat is still at a healthy weight, you must carry out weight checks at regular intervals. If you have a practiced eye, use the Body Condition Score to look at your cat’s physique. If you want to be on the safe side, use the scale (you need to know your cat’s optimal weight).
parasite protection
A protection against parasites such as fleas. Intestinal parasites and ticks is essential. They are very unpleasant and can damage your cat’s health. Talk to your veterinarian and get advice on which effective measures to combat parasites are recommended.
Health insurance
Vet bills can be very high, especially if your cat becomes ill or injured. There are ways to get cat health insurance that can help if your cat needs treatment. In the event that insurance is not available or you don’t want to go down that route, it’s a good idea to set up a vet expenses savings account that you can put money into to be financially prepared for any eventuality.
Measures for emergencies
Emergency preparedness is a recommendation that a cat owner should consider. This includes actions to take if you are unable to look after your cat (e.g. if you are hospitalized) or a natural disaster occurs. Prepare a contingency plan for all eventualities and determine how to ensure your cat’s safety and future life.
Always keep important phone numbers (veterinarian, veterinary clinic, animal shelter).