Librela for Dogs: Dosage, Side Effects & Experience

Librela has only been on the market since March 2021 and is therefore a new drug against pain in dogs.

Librela is used in dogs exclusively for pain relief, which under arthrosis Suffer.

The antibodies in Librela for dogs and cats are used specifically to stimulate the circulatory system pain perception to interrupt.

This means that arthrosis dogs can be guaranteed a pain-free and worth living life.

What exactly Librela does, how it is dosed and used and lots of information about this new pain medication can be found in this article.

In a nutshell: What is Librela and what effect does it have?

Almost 30% of all domestic dogs worldwide will develop osteoarthritis during their lifetime.

Osteoarthritis itself is not fatal for the dog. However, this condition is a common reason that the dog ultimately has to be euthanized.

Very often, osteoarthritis dogs suffer from extremely severe pain. Their movement is severely restricted, they lose their will to live and with it their entire quality of life.

In the case of arthrosis, the pain control and the pain reduction first of all. And that’s what it was made for librela successfully developed.

Osteoarthritis has so far been an incurable disease and is often accompanied by very severe pain. Due to the ongoing pain, the dog suffers a reduced quality of life and often suffers silently.

Librela is a Biopharmaceuticalwhich consists of monoclonal antibodies persists and breaks the cycle of pain perception in the dog.

In addition, Librela, in contrast to the well-established medication for osteoarthritis pain, can be combined with a large range of medication.

Librela has significantly fewer side effects than the previously known anti-inflammatory drugs.

How is Librela used?

Liberal is used only after consultation with the veterinarian.

Librela is currently only available as Iinjection solution available and is given subcutaneously by the veterinarian 1 x monthly injected.

The right dosage of Librela for dogs

Once a month, a dose of 0.5 – 1 mg per kg body weight recommended. Before the start of treatment and also during the course of treatment, the exact weight of the dog should be recorded regularly.

LIBRELA dose strength to be administered (mg/ml) Dog body weight (kg)5101520305.0-10.01 vial 10.1-20.0 1 vial 20.1-30.0 1 vial 30.1-40.0 1 vial 40.1-60.0 1 vial60 .1-80.0 2 vials 80.1-100.0 1 vial 1 vial100.1-120.00
2 vials

Librela Zoetis costs approx. 120 euros for twice 1 ml.

How long and how often can I give my dog ​​Librela?

Since Librela has only been on the market since March 2021, there are not enough long-term studies available.

There have been several field studies with dogs suffering from osteoarthritis.

They showed one during treatment with Librela significant pain reduction, a clear one Improvement in mobilityt and des well-being and thus an increase in life quality.

Librela has a long-term effect and may be used in interval of 28 days be administered.

The antibodies present in Librela act on the dog like natural antibodies. They break down in the dog’s liver and kidneys with minimal stress and are therefore considered biological therapy.

How long does Librela work in dogs?

Librela is a drug with long-term effect.

After the first dose, the Half-life about 16 days.

After administration of the second dose, a so-called steady state is reached with continuous treatment every 28 days.

This means that the drug acts constantly as long as the interval of re-administration is observed.

Applications of Librela for dogs

Librela is sold exclusively at osteoarthritis-Diseases dogs and cats applied.

If a dog is diagnosed with osteoarthritis, it will inevitably lead to destruction and damage Articular cartilage remodeling.

Due to the stress on the damaged cartilage tissue, the body becomes different Pain- and inflammation-promoting substances are excreted.

These substances cause pain in the surrounding joints and muscles. You can also make sure that the dog has one all over its body higher sensitivity to pain has.

In addition, the pain associated with arthrosis is supported by the fact that it spreads around the affected part of the body new blood and nerve fibers form.

Due to these newly formed cells, animals suffering from arthrosis now have an additional one pain perception on the articular cartilage.

This is exactly where the antibodies contained in Librela are used: they prevent the newly formed nerve fibers from docking with the nerve cells. Thus, the perception of pain is interrupted.

Librela can be used for any type of arthrosis.

Librela is particularly good for use with dog seniors suitable. Older dogs often have various medical conditions and need to take a wide range of medications.

Many dogs that receive long-term osteoarthritis treatment with well-known anti-inflammatory drugs suffer side effects such as gastrointestinal problems.

The blood values ​​as well as the liver and kidney values ​​must be checked regularly by the veterinarian.

Many older dogs need to take cortisone on a regular basis. Cortisone and anti-inflammatories cannot be administered together as long-term medication.

Since Librela is considered an antibody therapy, it can be used with a variety of drugs, in contrast to the common anti-inflammatory drugs combined become, which further affects the quality of life of the dog.

What are the side effects of Librela?

There have been no reports of long-term harm or side effects since Librela was launched.

From time to time, there are reports of brief swelling at the injection site or fatigue for a few days.

Where and how is Librela for dogs available?

Librela will only through the vet delivered.


Librela is a drug that has been on the market for a little over a year.

The uncomplicated administrationthe long-term effectthe easy degradation without damage to the kidney and liver as well as the Compatibility with many other drugs speak for Librela.

Does your dog suffer from osteoarthritis and is being treated with Librela? Share it with us in the comments!