Libra Rising Man: The Courteous Charmer

The Libra Rising man likes to go out and socialize. He is friendly and appreciated by many because he is a charming and knowledgeable companion. All he wants is a little peace of mind and balance, so don’t be surprised if his house is always clean and looking immaculate. You can tell that he is determined to succeed and that he would make a great leader, but when it comes to getting his hands dirty, he prefers to disappear.

The Ascendant man in Libra in a nutshell

Strengths: Selfless, captivating and understanding.

weaknesses: Easily fooled, moody and extravagant.

perfect partner: Someone who is as gentle and graceful as he is.

Life lesson: Putting fear aside and trying more things.

Having a very busy social life, the Libra Ascendant man will be present at all parties and meetings where there are influential people. He is rather the type of person who likes to work with others than to be alone.

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How is the Ascendant man in Libra?

The Libra rising man will often be accused of being passive because he never wants to prove anything to others. He prefers to withdraw before dealing with an issue because he is not aggressive at all. Believing in justice more than anything else, the man with the Ascendant in Libra is often unable to express himself because he does not want to get involved in conflicts.

He is a good colleague, no matter how arrogant others think he is. He will run away from authority figures because he is sometimes unsure of his ability to solve problems and be successful.

But most of the time, he is persevering and hard-working, interested in politics, but not ready to get active in this field. He, too, would not be able to teach, because he would feel that he is doing useless work that does not bring him any satisfaction.

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He is seen as empty, but attractive, so many members of the opposite sex will seek his company. This man is always smartly dressed, clean-shaven and with his hair combed. He may seem superficial and only attractive, but in reality, is smart, educated and very seductive.

Since he is polite, kind, and good with words, he would make a wonderful negotiator. You can get angry quickly, it’s true, but this can be kept under control with a few anger management classes.

You will probably alternate between careers and situations that require you to talk deals and make judgments. It is the best to see both sides of the coin and resolve conflicts. This native hates lazy people who never clean and likes those who are positive, cheerful and also brave.

The Libra Rising man wants a partner for life because he would hate to be alone forever. He is attracted to humble people who have good taste, he doesn’t like to be around individuals who show off too much.

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Beauty is what makes your heart skip a beat, so art in any form will be your main hobby. His house will probably be decorated with all kinds of beautiful statues and antiques.

Your refined taste will make you pursue cultural events and concerts of music that enlighten the spirit. Full of compassion, generous, attentive to the needs of others, kind and caring, this man has high ideals, impressing and inspiring people with his words.

Your artistic nature can make you a good artist because when you put your mind to it, you can be very determined to succeed. He is a free spirit who does not like to take on too many responsibilities..

You will always try to achieve your goals by working hard and continuing with your dreams. Emotional people who complain too much confuse you, but your need for a passionate and powerful relationship can have you together with women of this type from time to time.

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Libra Rising Man in Love

When it comes to romance, the man with the Libra Ascendant does not always have all the luck in the world because flirtssometimes without realizing that he is exaggerating.

Libra is a cardinal sign, so your rising sign will want to initiate things with others. But this can have a negative effect on your partner. Do not think that he is not capable of having a long-term relationship because he could stay his whole life next to a successful and sociable woman.

Just because he likes to flirt doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to cheat, he’ll just make friends with women he barely knows and smile too much. From this point to attachment and sex can be a very long road.

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His female counterpart will not have this problem because she is more eager to be in a relationship. She will not act on what she wants, rationally thinking that her partner is the one she should be friendlier with.

Having great taste and being handsome, women will want you in their life all the time. The ideal lady for him is honest and fairwanting to give him both his love and his friendship.

Knowing how to choose his words for the person he likes and adores, he will not hesitate to show his intellect with this lady, whenever he gets the chance. However, be careful with him because she usually seduces, creates the most romantic atmosphere and after only a week, she completely disappears without even calling.

The Libra Rising man is charming and can win a lady’s heart with just a glance or a touch on the hand.. He likes to be complimented and he doesn’t mind doing it too.

If there are two words that describe it best, they are justice and diplomacy. He can sometimes promise more than he can deliver, but her girl will still love him because of the way he looks at her and the way she talks.

Careful to show only your positive traits and hide your flaws, you will impress with your good looks and what you say. Many of his classmates will think that he is the perfect man because they will not see that he can sometimes be a hypocrite.

He is very attracted to women who are in love with themselves., brave and insistent. Many will feel that they have a lot to learn from the Libra Rising man because he is not boring and introduces each side of himself gradually.

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He also likes ladies who ask a lot and have passion, but he must be careful with them because he can be deceived by their smile and their looks. However, there is also the possibility that he spends a few nights with them and then leaves because too much passion is not to his liking, just like people who have a temper and too much energy.

You will probably be intrigued, but nothing more. Because it is logical and peaceful, seeks harmony and an established love storynot to fight someone for the lead role.

The man is also eager to get involved in both love and business partnerships, but is less afraid to take risks when it comes to romance. Either way, hates being alone and will try to be with someone at all times.

It is also possible that you are in more than one relationship at a time because you cannot choose between the partners. That is why he needs someone who knows how to tame him, to make him more decisive and conclusive.

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What to remember about the Libra Ascendant man

Having a lot of charisma, a good sense of humor and being able to talk his way with anyone, the man with the Libra Ascendant is great company and attracts people easily and naturally.

This person has many friends, but only a few are really close to his heart. Liked by everyone, he is kind and good-natured when he is among others. However, behind closed doors, he is very competitive and fighter. Indecisive, you won’t know where to go for dinner or what career to pursue.

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The scale that characterizes you will always have your mind weighing and analyzing, so you may end up not making any decisions at times. He doesn’t like to take risks, so don’t expect him to be convinced that he wants to do something. This may also mean that you don’t persevere and lose faith immediately after reaching a conclusion, thinking that other options might have been better.

Venus is ruling your rising sign, so you’re more of a meditative type who settles disagreements and never takes sides. This will always help her make new friends and keep old ones close to her. Very fair and with a highly developed sense of justice, she will not stay when controversies arise and the spotlight is waiting for her to give her opinion.

The Libra rising man hates confrontation because of course it disrupts the balance and harmony that he craves so much.. He will always try to persuade people to do things the way he sees them, so his views will often be induced into other people’s minds. It is not normal for him to get strong because he is soft and always seeks to find common ground, even with his opponents.