Liana relationships: What are they and how can I avoid them? – Online Psychologists

We all have a person in our environment who is always involved in love affairs and every now and then it presents a new coupleIf you know someone like this, warn them that they are addicted to Liana relationships.

What are liana relationships?

Liana relationships are, as the name suggests, emotional bonds that are successively linked. The oxygenation process between a breakup and the beginning of a new relationship is non-existent. The person, with this concatenation of relationships, has the desire to avoid the difficult moments that follow the end of a relationship.

The person needs to be with someone, in a sentimental way, and does not assume the pain of a breakupThey see being single as a bottomless pit that they'd rather not enter.

Origin of these relationships

The prototypical person in these relationships does not know the mechanisms for managing the void caused by the breakup. They feel the compelling need to fill that gap with someone else immediatelywith the aim of disconnecting from that unpleasant emotion.

Despite the deep pain and sadness inherent in this situation, it is necessary coping with grief. Experiencing the bitter side of love is a valuable lesson for your experience with future partners. It can even help you when you lose contact with family members or friends to whom you had a close bond.

Also the intolerance to loneliness influences. Sometimes this is linked to personality disorders where one part of the relationship depends on the other and bases part of their identity on having a relationship. When there is no loving relationship, they lose part of their being.

Of course, the irrational beliefs about love are a factor to take into account. Ideas like “I am made to be in a relationship” are detrimental to building a healthy romantic relationship.

What are the consequences of liana relationships?

The main effect of liana relationships is the avoidance of all the learning mechanisms that we can take in the grieving process. By avoiding pain, these people They don't learn to manage loss.

Furthermore, the speed with which we search for a new person to fill that void leads us to rush and fail when choosing a new partner.

One of the causes of these relationships is that We don't want to experience sadness or angerThey fill us with negativity. But they are normal and common emotions after the end of a romantic relationship. Repressing them will only make them last longer and it will become increasingly difficult for you to manage them.

Another consequence is the lack of independence to solve emotional problems. Avoiding experiences, even if they are painful at first, It will only delay your personal growth.Immaturity will be one of your hallmarks.

If you don't feel capable of being alone with yourself, perhaps it's time to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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Steps to avoid chaining relationships

  • Accept that you must have a period of mourning to pull yourself together and get a picture of the situation, taking into account what you need in this part of your life.
  • Take the time you need to explore yourself and question what you are looking for in your new relationship.
  • Express your feelings and share them with people you trust. This way they can offer you an external point of view about the flaws they saw in your previous relationship.
  • Learn to live all the phases of falling in loveButterflies in the stomach don't last forever. The phases of love are different and you have to know how to adapt love to the different tempos of the relationship.

Main doubts

Reading this article, you may have come up with numerous unknowns about whether I am that kind of person or whether my relationship is not going through a good time, because it is a vine to cling to. The following questions may open your eyes in this regard.

  • How do I know I'm ready?

There is no time concrete to heal the wounds of breakups, as if it were a fracture in the tibia.

Each person has their own time to heal their emotional faults. Ideally, you should accept the breakup and allow yourself to grieve before starting a new path with another person.

  • What symptoms indicate that I am in the middle of a liana relationship?

The main symptom of lianas relationships is the short period of time between relationships.

Deep loneliness, when your current partner is not by your side, and the Constant thoughts about your ex are other indications that the current relationship does not complement you as it should.

There are Three key questions that will shed some light on this: Are you trying to make your partner resemble your ex? Do you frequently think about moments from your previous relationship? Did you end the relationship less than a month ago?

The recovery time, as we have mentioned, will be determined by each person. Generally speaking, the First months are key.

He process of assimilating the rupture and it takes time to understand the mistakes, both your own and others', that caused the separation.

In this first phase, the feelings of anxiety and denial are normalIn the next three months, those feelings will turn into anger and sadness.

Understanding what has happened and the acceptanceessential to advancing recovery, will come in time.

  • Am I looking for new relationships or do they come spontaneously??

Consider the reasons that push you to have a partner. The best romantic relationships do not arise from an anxious and desperate search.

If they exist common points and the famous chemistrythings will fall into place and the relationship will flow on its own. There will be phases in life when you are more predisposed to forming a stable bond.

The main cause of liana relationships is the inability of being alone. The good thing is that loneliness appears because of a simple breakup:

The family and friends are fundamental points on which to rely when overcoming this difficulty. psychological care It is another of the mechanisms that will help you establish the foundations of a new relationship.

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