Letting out our feelings: why it feels so good – Online Psychologists

Many people believe that crying is for weak people and that when we cry we question our strength. Therefore, these people prefer to avoid complaining and not say what they feel. However, this does not increase their courage and, in addition, the fact of keeping emotions bottled up will end up being a problem. Letting off steam It is beneficial for us and our mental health.

When we do not vent, we create a time bomb inside us that will become bigger and more fragile as time goes by. The consequences of this emotional containment both our physical and mental health will suffer.

The inability to express one's emotions can lead to problems such as depression, anxietystress, panic attacksulcers or cardiovascular diseases, among many other pathologies.

Emotions, after all, are accumulations of energy that should be released. Even more so when they are negative, since negativity accumulates in us and causes us pain.

Also, you must keep in mind that this pain must be channeled in a healthy way. It is not advisable to do it by shouting or hitting out of control as a result of not having expressed what we felt before, because that, in the long run, will harm you and the people around you.

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Why is it good to vent?

As we have already mentioned, repressing, containing or keeping all emotions is never going to be the best option. Venting has a number of benefits that will allow us to live happier and above all in a fuller way:

  • We release the negative energy that floods us. When we don't let off steam and talk about things when necessary, sooner or later we end up let's end up exploding. This is only going to cause us more damage than we already had.
  • We will be more transparent. When we express ourselves and show our emotions we show that we are people sincereTransparency is a highly valued quality and, in addition, you will be able to feel much relief.
  • We will be more understood by the rest. Sometimes when we see a serious person or someone who does not show their emotions as we would like, we think they are embittered. Who hasn't thought about someone who “likes to be alone”, “doesn't want to be around others” or “is bitter”. However, most of the time We don't know really what that person is going through. Maybe if he or she expressed himself or herself and said what he or she feels, we could understand him better and feel greater empathy.
  • We will receive affectionWhen we are sad or something bad has happened to us, perhaps the only thing we need to feel a little better is a hug. He dear or the advice of those who love us always helps us to lift our spirits and open up to them. These acts will help us strengthen and they are going to raise our positive energies since they will show us that we are not alone because there is someone there to help us.
  • We will be more honest and sincere. It's of no use to us pretend that everything in our life is going smoothly. In fact, we gain nothing from this, giving a false appearance what we truly feel does not make us stronger.
  • We take care of our health. By letting off steam we are taking care of both our physical and mental health. We are preventing our body from being flooded with negativity and getting sick. When our body stays healthy, our mind is too, “a healthy mind in a healthy body”.

How can we vent?

We can talk about three types of emotional reliefHowever, only the third of them is truly liberating since the first two continue to maintain the inner tension:

  • Verbosity or discharge of our mental obsessions. This happens when we choose a person to release all our worries to. It is a attempt to free the tension we have. What we do is “vomit” everything to the other person.
  • Emotional exposure. It is when we can no longer control our emotions and we end up exploding completely. The main form of manifestation is rage. This usually brings many issues both for the person and for the people around him/her since expresses itself in a violent way their emotions.
  • Expression and relief of pain, sadness or frustration. This happens when we feel the emotional tension in our body and in turn it is freeing us from that burden. That is, we can cryscream or laugh to free ourselves without having to violate anyone. They are natural physiological mechanisms in humans. In addition, this way of letting off steam is very brief and more decisive than the previous ones.

What if I don't know how to express myself?

When you feel that your way of expressing yourself is more suited to violence than to a healthy release of emotions, go to a mental health professionalIt is normal to go through the three previous states of emotional relief, however, two of them can be harmful if adopted as the only form of expression.

The therapist or psychologist will accompany the patient, little by little, to truly feel since connect emotionally with their pain and frustration.

Sometimes they are used relaxation techniques to release the muscle tensions created by anger and frustration. When the person is relaxed, the psychologist's work is easier. The subject can begin to to vent through crying or the expression of relief without resorting to verbosity or verbal violence.

It should be noted that each process will depend on the person and their characteristics, as well as the context in which each person finds themselves.

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