Letters to the Child God that encarnate us

The children are so cute! So innocent! But sometimes it occurs to them to ask the Child God for things that are impossible to buy, like these…

Sometimes kids don’t want a remote-controlled bike, doll, or cart, they entice us by getting creative and asking for impossible things to give themand the worst thing is having to tell the little ones to ask for more real things, as if the Christ Child didn’t have superpowers!

We have compiled here some Christmas requests that love us to adults because they are impossible to attend to: “Dear Child of God, this year I want…”

-“Meeting you in person…”

-«World peace…»

-«That my imaginary friend becomes real…»

-«A little brother…»

-«May my puppy Motas revive…»

-“A tyrannosaurus rex (but really)”

-“That they don’t give so many homework at school…”

-“44 cats…”


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-«May the whole year be Christmas…»

-“That this year I can fly like Superman…”

Do you have any funny anecdote about letters to the Child Jesus? Share it with Vibra!