One of the most difficult moments for anyone is to come to the end of a relationship and only if you are will you be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
A breakup, even if it seems sad to you, is an opportunity to seek happiness, a failure will always teach us what we must transform to get ahead.
Take note of 7 teachings that the end of a relationship leaves us
#1. learn to be alone
Being is not something negative, it is the opportunity to be with ourselves, pay attention to our own needs.
We stop pleasing others to focus on ourselves, in this way we understand that true love does not need to live 24 hours a day together and that the relationship needs independent spaces to be able to expand.
#two. Infatuation is temporary and true love prevails
Love in a relationship transforms and the best part is when we are in the infatuation phase, the feeling of butterflies and constant emotion invades us and can last from 6 months to 2 years.
After this time, everything returns to calm and it is a normal process, however, true love is projected over time, it does not change, nor does it end.
If we were constantly in love our brain would explode, we would be exposed to a hormonal dance that would affect our concentration, excitement, anxiety and can even cause tachycardia.
Love breakups can be the consequence of not controlling falling in love and being a victim of passions.
#3. no one belongs to no one
As much as you are in a relationship, there is no property title on it, love is based on freedom and is of free will and being possessive can cause a breakup.
Wanting to have control over your partner is a serious mistake that sooner rather than later will end in a breakup. Let us remember that respect and freedom can become the greatest teachings that the end of a relationship leaves us, they are concepts to apply in the future so as not to go through the same negative experience.
Do not leave things unsaid if your relationship is ending, find out here.
#4. We must perform individually
The first step is to stop thinking that your partner is your better half, believing that you need another person to feel complete shows a lack of self-esteem and insecurity.
Only you are the most important person of all and no one should come before you, this premise is an essential piece for personal development.
The best way to be successful in a relationship and avoid a breakup is to try to be an independent, fulfilled and self-sufficient person before sharing life with another being.
#5. It is a mistake to want to change the other
The main mistake in a relationship is trying to change the partner, when many of us know that what this does is drive them away. When a person experiences a transformation, it causes him to reconsider his erroneous attitudes and thus change, this change comes from within and can only be achieved because the person wants to do it.
As a couple, the ideal is that we accompany the other in this process without forcing it, only giving unconditional support and promoting the change of consciousness through our own. Therefore, accepting our partner as they are and loving them unconditionally is the only way to avoid a breakup that ends the relationship.
#6. We must forget the fears
Absolutely all of us live with fear in a relationship, from rejection, failure and even abandonment, and when it becomes evident the only thing we show is insecurity, low self-esteem and lack of self-love.
To enjoy a healthy relationship, a process of healing and inner healing must be initiated; It is the only way to placate and combat any kind of inner demon, improving self-esteem and sharing love in a healthy and free way.
These are the conflicts in couples that end relationships, take note!
#7. gotta let go
The reasons do not matter, nor the reasons to retain someone who wants to leave, whatever their reason, the important thing is to try to be objective and determine if we are in love, obsessed or feel true love.
Discerning what we really feel will guarantee the success and not the end of a relationship.
Obviously, after a period of reflection, we must decide if we are willing to continue or if it is best to let the couple go after the breakup.
Finally remember that in the end this can be a new beginning and everything will depend on the attitude you take towards the situation, looking for another partner with whom you can cultivate a longer and lasting love and it will always be a good option.
There is no need to be discouraged because a stormy relationship is the reason for the end of a stage, since it puts you on the path of searching towards a happier one.
Taken from The Art of Living