Leonardo Favio from ‘My name is’ was reunited with his girlfriend

Leonardo Favio’s double in My name is He lived a very special moment when he reunited with his girlfriend.

Definitely, the controversial reality does not stop giving something to talk about, because night after night new situations arise that put the program in the first lists of trends in social networks. However, this time the one who stole the show was Leonardo Favio’s double after meeting his girlfriend again after a long time.

Leonardo Favio’s double burst into tears after reuniting with his girlfriend

It turns out that in order for the contestant to give his best during his presentation, the production of the program prepared an emotional surprise for him. Leonardo Favio’s double had to sing ‘The passport photo’ and during the rehearsals, what he least imagined happened, because he had the opportunity to see his girlfriend again after a year. Thus he recharged energies that made him one of the favorites of the night.

Of course, the comments on networks were immediate and that is why many of the faithful followers of the reality show proclaimed it as the winner of this season.

And you, Do you think Leonardo Favio will be the winner of My name is or do you have another favourite? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.