Lemon Spell Under the Bed (Homemade and Useful)

The Lemon Spell under the Bed will help us to open closed roads and open our paths, today we will learn how we can attract good luck and abundance, thus achieving balance and well-being in our homes.

For this spell to work we will have to seek harmonization between body, mind and energy. We will achieve this balance thanks to the spells that I will teach you today and to meditation, so get ready because today I have a lot to teach you.

Lemon is one of the most used fruits in esotericism and white magicits use will almost always be related to warding off bad energies, opening paths or helping to achieve goals or objectives.

Place a lemon under the bed to immediately ward off any negative magic. It is important to eliminate this negative magic from our lives, otherwise we will not be able to advance in our day to day life.

Don’t let the jobs of envious people, who don’t want to see you succeed, stop you, now move away these energies with the spell of the lemon.

You can eliminate negative energies with lemon, you can also increase abundance and prosperity in your home or business with it. It is important that you know all the benefits and uses of this powerful fruit, so pay close attention and take note of what you consider important.

Lemon can be used in different ways within white magic, today I will teach you a couple of spells to ward off bad energies, attract abundance and finally have good luck.

Like any spell we will have to put our will into achieving it, this means that when we do the spell also we will have to make an effort to get what we wantif you have asked for abundance in your life you will have to find ways to have it, no one is going to come to the door of your house with a bag of coins and give it to you.

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Remember that one of the main factors for a spell to work is concentration and meditation when casting it, so always have a positive thought.

Lemon spell under the bed

The lemon under the bed will help us clean our aura of bad energies or magic works that are preventing us from moving forward.

Next, I am going to explain in detail how to do this ancient spell to help you restore esoteric harmony in your life and home. It is important to eliminate bad energies from your home, as these can stagnate and negatively affect your harmonic balance and prosperity.

Materials needed to cast the Lemon Spell Under the Bed

4 fresh lemons

eucalyptus incense

2 blue candles

Procedure for the Spell of the Lemon under the Bed

Now I will explain step by step how to perform the spell, pay close attention:
  1. First you will have to cut the four lemons crosswise, the cut should reach more or less half of the lemon, do not cut it completely.
  2. Now put some sea salt on the cross of each lemon, then place the 4 lemons on a plate.
  3. Now put the plate on a table in your bedroom, on each side of the plate place a candle.
  4. Light both candles and incense, make a prayer to your guardian angel and ask him for help, he will listen to you.
  5. When you finish the sentence, place the plate with the lemons under your bed, leave it there for 2 weeks and you will see the change in your life.

After 2 weeks, you can repeat the spell without any problem, you will have to throw the lemons very far from your house, and it is important that you do not touch them with your hands, use gloves or some utensil, since they will be charged with bad energies that have been catching

This spell is very old but it is one of my favorites when it comes to opening paths and eliminating bad energies, it is quite powerful so if you are looking to eliminate bad energies and make way for good luck, this spell will work for you.

In addition, lemons have an advantage and that is that they solve any obstacle that is preventing us from being happy, so once the lemon ritual is done you will feel more energetic and happy.

Finally, if you want to increase the effectiveness of the spell with lemon, cast the spell when the lunar cycle is full moon, so the effectiveness of the spell will be faster.

Lemon Under Bed Spell for Money

As I have explained before, there are variants within the lemon spell, it can both help us to ward off bad energies but it can also help us attract other things, for example abundance.

I am going to explain to you how to do the lemon spell to attract money, remember that this type of spell helps us find new sources of income, but it is you who has to contribute the will to find them, in addition, the energies and stars of the universe will help and guide you .

Materials to Cast the Lemon Spell Under the Bed for Money

four fresh lemons

A ticket

Incense and 2 yellow candles

Procedures for Casting the Lemon Spell Under the Bed for Money

  1. This spell is very similar to the previous one, but it has some small variations since what we are looking for is to attract abundance.
  2. We will cut the four lemons in the shape of a cross, the cut must be up to the middle of the lemon and not cut it completely.
  3. Once this is done, we will put a little sea salt on the lemons.
  4. Now in our room, we will light the candles and incense and put the plate with the four lemons under the bed. You will have to perform a prayer to San Pancracio.
  5. Once the prayer is done, lift the plate that you put under the bed with the lemons and place the ticket, then put the plate with the lemons on top.

Leave the plate with the lemons for four weeks, you will see the wonderful changes that you will have in your life, the effects you will be able to see them immediately.

I hope these lemon spells have been useful to you and soon you can put them into practice. Remember to write down all my advice, and do it only for good purposes.

I give you my blessings dear reader.
We read soon

Luz Silva Soler