Lemon and sugar mask to exfoliate the skin

The lemon and sugar mask it is ideal to keep your skin free of impurities and blemishes, dare to try it.

The ingredients you have at home are often used to prepare masks that undoubtedly leave your skin beautiful. For example, this mask for dark spots on your face will make you look perfect, but with this trick you will also have smooth and glowing skin.

Lemon and sugar mask, what is it for?

Exfoliating the skin of the face brings great benefits, such as having a clean complexion, without impurities, without spots and without uncomfortable pimples. That’s why one coffee and coconut oil mask provides the perfect exfoliation that should always be a basic step in your routine, which you should do every 15 days or according to your skin type. Obviously, using a lemon and sugar mask, you will also get it!


  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice

Implements necessary

  • A small plastic container

Time required

25 minutes

Estimated cost

$1,200 (COP)

Procedure of the sugar and lemon mask for the face

1. Mix

To start with your lemon and sugar mask, the first thing you should do is mix the tablespoon of sugar with the tablespoon of lemon juice until you get a homogeneous mixture.

2. Apply

Once you have the mixture ready, the next thing is to apply it on your face, which must be clean and you must massage gently for 15 minutes.

3. Clean

After allowing the necessary time to pass, you should wash your face with cold water and dry with a clean towel. This mask will help you get rid of impurities and whiten your face because you will get a more luminous complexion.

4. Protect

Do not forget that the lemon acids can stain your skin, so the use of sunscreen is extremely important. You must use it every day at 7am, 12 noon and 3pm.

There is no better ally to show off a perfect face than face masks. Therefore, here you can find other fabulous ideas to take care of your skin.

Do not hesitate to share this super mask with all your friends on social networks, they will thank you!

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