US scientists have created the famous LED tattoo that are called like this because the ink to perform them has tiny silicon semiconductors the size of a grain of rice and dimensions of about 1 millimeter with a thickness of 250 nanometers.

The best known type of body modification are the tattoos and when we mention them we quickly imagine infinite number of images captured in the skin through ink, however, this is the new trend; it is a fluorescent designs that glow even if without much light.

Many types of people have a tattoo on their body, some are visible, some are hidden from the eyes of others; sometimes considered part of the privacy of the women, in other cases, they like to have works of art on their skin. If you like tattoos, you will love this new style!

It is a silicone implant which has a series of magnetically activated LEDs to illuminate the tattoos; issuing a light similar to the light produced by fireflies glowing under your skin, lasting approximately fifteen minutes.

It is important to clarify that these tattoos are not harmful to the environment, since it has reduced energy consumption; also it contains no mercury and even much of its components are recyclable, being regarded as a predominantly ecological trend. A curious fact of these tattoos is that when a magnet is installed on the device, its five LED lights start blinking and after ten seconds return to the rest condition.

Remarkable, when you have run out of batteries the tattoo can only be removed by surgery. In the coming years the chip besides providing beauty and adorn the skin, could function as external device for a phone, great right? Scientists claim that they are preparing to venture possible uses that can provide this tattoo.

The chip capacity is also being studied to record movements of the hand of a person wirelessly and transfer these signals to the receiving device; other tools that will serve as a hands-free customized controller; and transform the skin on a screen to display information. Scientists want to apply it to medical applications using the sensors to track the progress of blood sugar levels, showing their readings and results in the skin of the diabetic patients.

Really a wonderful alternative! Not only is a cosmetic product; It offers ecological and medical benefits. However, if you choose to have a LED tattoo you must make the necessary precautions, because even though your body is not under any risk, it is important to be very carefully and think twice before you do it.