Leche de tigre: base recipe for ceviches

The tiger milk is a recipe very easy to prepare at home and that will be the ideal base to make a delicious Peruvian ceviche that will transport your guests to any city in that neighboring country.

Peruvian gastronomic culture is full of recipes based on sea food. One of them is the tiger’s milk that often accompanies ceviches and in others, it can be eaten in fish dishes or as a kind of cream.

If you have come thinking that you want to learn an easy-to-make shrimp ceviche recipe or you want to know how to prepare a tiger’s milk, we share the step by step:

Tiger milk recipe

Let’s cook it was said! Prepare all the ingredients you need and enjoy some time for yourself, in which you are going to have fun and learn a lot. This recipe is variable since you could only prepare tiger’s milk and use it as you wish, however, we leave you a ceviche option in which you can combine it:

Preparation time10 minutesCooking time 0 minutesCategoryMain courseCuisinePeruvianKeywordsSpicy, creamy, food, sauce, seaFor how many people2PortionMediumCalories96Fat0.99 g


  • 1 pepper without seeds
  • A garlic clove
  • a piece of ginger
  • two red onions
  • One pound of white fish (it can be tilapia or corvina)
  • coriander sprigs
  • Celery stalks
  • A glass of lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • Cooked kernels from a cob
  • package bananas
  • Salt


Step 1. Blend

Put in your blender a few pieces of fish, celery stalks, red onion pieces, ginger, chili, garlic clove, lemon juice, salt to taste and water. Process all the ingredients for about two minutes. At that time, add a sprig of coriander and blend for about 10 more seconds.

Step 2. Strain

Pass the mixture obtained through a strainer, removing lumps or excesses and leaving only the liquid.

Step 3. Serve

Take a long glass or a plate and put pieces of fish in the bottom and bathe it with the leche de tigre. Finish with some strips of red onion, corn kernels (you can also use roasted corn) and packaged plantain chips. Ready, it’s time to enjoy, bon appetit!

Do you want to memorize the recipe? We share a video with the step by step so that you have it super clear:

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