Hey, welcome to today’s article on the topic: «Can I leave a Havanese alone?»
Do you already have a little Havanese living with you or did you stumble across the little ball of yarn while looking for a dog?
You probably are too employed and wondering if your work hours are compatible with a Havanese. We’ll tell you how Alone training for your Havi can look like and how long he can stay alone.
Nice to have you here and enjoy reading!
How long can I leave a Havanese alone?
In general, you should leave your dog alone as little as possible. 4 to 5 hours is the absolute maximum a dog can be left alone in a day. After this time he must have the opportunity to detach himself!
It’s also fair if your Havanese doesn’t have to be left alone for so long every day, because being alone is a human thing. Dogs are pack animals and prefer to be with their team.
But sometimes there is simply no other way and every dog should at least learn to be able to spend a few hours relaxed without master and mistress.
How often and how long does a Havanese need exercise?
Havanese are a lively, cheerful, clingy and playful dog breed.
Even if the little Cubans would be very happy about a house with a garden, they can also get along in a city apartment.
Your Havanese needs at least one for this 2 to 3 walks a daythat you can customize. Playing games together on the walk is also a must.
In general, the Havanese loves time with his family to spend. He accompanies her to the zoo, on long hiking trips, on horseback, to the bathing lake, to the dog park or spends time with her on the couch.
I have a job – is a Havanese the right dog for me?
Most dog owners are employed. Combining job and dog is not always easy. So you should definitely think about them enough Compatibility of your working hours with a Havanese make.
Can your Havanese accompany you to work or do family times fit in so that the little dog doesn’t have to be left alone for too long?
Since the Havanese is a pure companion and companion dog he is very influenced by people and builds up a close bond. Staying alone should therefore be practiced as early and as relaxed as possible.
Please don’t just leave your dog at home alone if he can’t do it yet! Dogs actually have to learn to be separated from their human pack. Going too fast here can lead to fear of loss and separation.
Can I leave this training alone with my Havanese?
Yes, you can train your Havanese to be left alone and you should integrate this into your upbringing right from the start!
If your Havi is still a puppy, you should start training around the 5th to 6th month of life. It is important that the Kleene already Potty trained is.
If an older dog moves in with you, you should also start training as soon as possible so that the dog does not take weeks to get used to the fact that you or someone else is always there. After he has settled in for 2 to 3 weeks, you can slowly but surely start staying alone training.
If you need help here, feel free to consult a dog trainer. Even if you don’t have to leave your dog alone for professional reasons, an unplanned visit to the doctor or other emergencies can always occur.
Even if you don’t have to leave your dog alone every day or in general (which is of course great!), every dog should learn to be able to relax and stay alone for a few hours.
What alternatives are there to being left alone?
It is simply not possible to take the dog with you in every situation. If you’re still in the middle of staying alone training, you might be able to get support to help you out. These are all important factors when deciding for or against a dog!
There are these alternatives to leave alone:
- dog sitter
- friends or a family member
- Maybe there is a nice, reliable neighbor?
- Day care/dog boarding
Any dog can learn to be left alone at times. The well-being of the animal must always be considered and we strongly advise against a dog if you do not have enough time!
Havanese are very affectionate dogs who love spending time with their humans. So you should approach the training to stay alone very carefully. If you are unsure, get a dog trainer to help you. If you are too careless about training, it can become really stressful for you and your dog!
We hope you enjoyed the article and are now smarter than before! If you have any questions about “Leaving Havanese alone”, please write them to us in the comments.