Learn to identify your emotions with these 6 tricks – Online Psychologists

Know Identify your emotionss is an essential skill for achieving a healthy mental state. If you want to have emotional control, the first step has to be knowing what is happening to you. People who are unable to recognize emotions, whether their own or others', have numerous difficulties in maintaining balance in their lives.

In the following article you can find tips so that, little by little and progressively, you can have a greater learning about emotions and thus you learn to qualify them when they appear in your life.

How do you learn to recognize emotions?

Perhaps the metaphor with which you will have a clear idea of ​​this process of identifying emotions is like the study of a languageAt the beginning you won't understand anything and you'll be confused, as you don't know how to react to the problems you're told. With time and practice, your fluency will become greater and greater.

In order to identify your emotions you will have to be able to be aware of some of them.aspects that mark your personality. To develop emotional intelligence is essential keep in mind the virtues and defects of each one.

When recognizing other people's emotions, it is necessary to understand what the person is like. body language of each person, since emotions, in addition to words, are usually expressed through gestures and tvoice tone.

An important thing to identify emotions in another person is to know how to correctly interpret their speech. Don't be superficial. Examine carefully what he is telling you. Perhaps the speech is trying to hide a topic that non-verbal language is unable to keep quiet about.

6 tricks to understand your emotional side

  • Accept the true reason for your emotions

The third law of dynamics would be a great example of this advice: Action-Reaction. Although, in the case of this article, it would be more like: Action-Emotion. Every emotion comes caused by some reasons that have a meaning for each individual.

You must accept the situation and knowing how to confront the cause that has motivated an emotion, no matter how irrational that reason may seem. Only then will you be able to identify the emotion you are feeling at a given moment.

People in the closest circle, from family to school friends, interfere with emotionality of each person, apart from the experiences lived according to the field in which you have worked.

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  • Use a shield against negativity

If you recognize the different factors that cause you discomfort or distress, you will be able to avoid situations that force you to be in contact with these factors. The chances of experiencing very intense negative emotions decrease and thus a broad analytical capacityIn this way, the process of identifying emotions is favored.

  • Understand the context of each situation

The cognitive ability of human beings helps them understand the context in which they operate. This ability involves the use of mental processes such as analysis, interpretation, resolution of problems, memory, logical thinking and so on. The combination of all the processes gives an idea of What environment are you in and how should you act? to emerge unscathed from the situation.

If every person could accurately and precisely manage all the aspects that interfere with their life, we would live in a world without problems. Unfortunately, reality is different and it is important that you always keep this in mind. On certain occasions, you have to limit yourself to being a mere spectator of lifeUnderstanding that you cannot control everything helps you develop common sense and recognize emotions in all their breadth.

Identifying emotions, both your own and those of others, is essential to solving small difficulties that life will put in your way. Not knowing what is happening to you can lead to development of a mental disorder such as anxiety or depression. To avoid reaching this extreme and if the tricks described do not work for you, seek professional help.

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