What types of mango can be planted?
Originally from the Indiahe mango tree It has been distributed throughout the world, so it can be found in Indonesia, Florida, Mexico, South Africa, Egypt, Hawaii, Israel, Brazil and Cuba.
The more common types are:
- Indian, with a sweet and a bit acidic taste.
- Manila, with an intense sweet taste.
- Florida, with a reddish tone and acid taste.
What are the care of a mango tree?
Since it is a tropical plant, the mango tree It requires these basic care To grow and bear fruit:
Needs heat and moisture, So the ideal is that there is a climate that is wet and warm during the summer but dry and cold in winter.
It is not necessary to be very fertilesince it grows easily even in those who have low fertility, but it requires good drainage.
This type of tree is very wide when it grows So you must plant it in a place where you have a lot of space to grow without problems.
You must receive natural light every dayat least 3 hours of direct sun.
Needs A lot of water, So if it plays it before the rainy season arrives, much better. However, it must have good drainage so that the roots are not rotting.
It must be done twice a yearone in spring and one in summer, to grow healthy.
How to transplant a mango tree?
It is recommended to transplant the mango tree in the warmer months, Each or two years so that the tree can continue to grow and bear fruit. The steps to follow are:
- Prepare the base of the new pot or the garden area where you want to plant the pot again.
- Place a crockery in the pot of the pot and pour a few centimeters of expanded clay or other drainage material.
- Prepare the substrate, mixing it with river sand and fertilizer suitable for your plant, and place it in the new pot.
- Remove the plant from the previous container, either with the help of the shovel or knock the pot and do some pressure to extract it little by little. In case your plant is in the garden, you have to dig a little around and extract the plant carefully.
- Check the roots of your plant and, in case they are a spiral shape or are too tight, make small vertical cuts with the help of scissors.