Learn to be kind with these 6 tips – Online Psychologists

The social relations They are essential for any human being. Our social nature means that we live surrounded by people all the time and we like to make a good impression on others. But sometimes it happens that someone finds it difficult to be kind and, as a consequence, their social relationships suffer.

Do you find it difficult to be kind to others, no matter how hard you try? Don't worry! Kindness can be learned and incorporated into personal relationships.

What is kindness?

Kindness is a quality present in those people who behave politely, respectfully and affectionately towards others.

Being kind is also an advantage for socialization and foster the relationship between people. People with this type of character strive to create relationships of trust and mutual understanding.

6 tips to be a kinder person

  1. Recognize the value of others' time. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. You don't like to feel like you're wasting your time, do you? You have to be aware that the person you're dating is is offering part of his timeWith that in mind, it is easier to have a pleasant demeanor to have a friendly time.
  2. Keep your gaze on at all times and use non-verbal communicationWhat you say is as important as what you keep quiet. With small gestures and constant eye contactyou will be showing attention and understanding to the messages that the other person is sending.
  3. Apply active listeningIt is not enough to appear to be attentive, it is enough to be attentive. Join the conversationwithout interrupting the other person. Gestures such as nodding your head at key moments, expressing your mood about what is said, making brief comments or providing solutions to the problems presented.

Do you want to learn to be kinder? Develop your social skills with the help of an online psychologist.

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Develop your social skills and take care of your mental health with the help of a professional psychologist.

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  1. Adjust your physical proximity to the trust that exists between you. Pay attention to the signs of the other person, if they feel comfortable with the closeness you show, for example. Don't start hugging if you don't feel comfortable.
  2. Offer supportBeing kind also involves offer help with problems that the other person decides to share with you, but don't do it if you feel you can't keep your promises.
  3. Keep in mind the social conventions of hospitality. If you are talking at the door of your house or inside it, do not behave as if you were on the street. In cases like those described, Use your home as an extension of your kindness.

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