Learn more about floating anxiety – Online Psychologists

The fact of being afraid, not being afraid of anything and at the same time of everything in particular, being scared. That's how it is. floating anxiety, an uncertainty that catches us off guard, trapping us in a state of sadness and suffocating lonelinessand.

According to Virginia Woolf in her diaries, Life is a dream and it is waking up that ends up killing us. As if somehow, at a specific point in our life, we had to awaken responsibilities, burdens, human relationships. In this way, without expecting it, the situation ends up overwhelming us.

Floating anxiety is experienced by a large number of people who live the agony day to day. It is a fear that occurs in a diffuse form and catches you in a pattern of total concern behavior about any event on a recurring basis. Can you imagine that?

The scenario in which uncertainty and stress develop gives shape to a clinical manifestation known as “free floating anxiety«This in turn is part of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

It is estimated that this disorder and the floating fear affects the female sex to a greater degree. However, we must emphasize that the 60% of people affected Because of this problem, they do not receive treatment or do not have the courage to ask for help. Of these, the majority are men. Did you know that a psychologist can help you get out of that situation? You will develop skills and tools to face those fears and stress every time it happens to you.

Why are you constantly worried?

In many cases, the fear we experience in various situations is not a real threat. There may come a time when this anxiety fills every factor in our lives, causing us to remain stuck in a nightmare, since one of the worst things in life is the fact that live in fear.

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As for its possible causes, we must say that specialists have no doubts about it. From the Stanford University School of Medicine They warn that floating anxiety It is caused by a dysfunction in the brain, specifically in the amygdala.

It is a small structure that is responsible for mediating our emotions, our memory, as well as the perception of fear. There comes a certain moment when, for unknown reasons, the circuits that compose it are altered, interfering with the order and balance of our own life.

How to treat this disorder?

In all cases, for Treat anxiety It is necessary to use two approaches to be able to deal with this clinical condition. On the one hand, we have medication, which can reduce the symptoms of the problem and at the same time provide optimal conditions for psychological therapy to be more efficient.

However, the best option is the cognitive behavioral therapy as well as those therapies that focus on managing stress and reduce the worries that have been caused by floating anxiety.

This way, you will acquire effective tools to confront and develop healthy and integrative behaviors.

We must also take into account that we have to attend to other factors in our life such as diet, sport or meditation techniques, complementary tools to cope with fear and focus focus on what is right.