Le Jugement (The Judgment) – Tarot XX – Major Arcana

The Judgment card (Le Jugement) is the penultimate major arcana, it is number 20. This card may seem that its meaning is easy to interpret due to the clear message it conveys.

This card comes out in a right or inverted position, it will give us an interpretation that is quite easy to understand and without room for errors, that is why it is a card with a clear meaning that I am going to explain to you..

I will continue explaining meaning tarot cardssince as I said in an old entry many of you told me that you would like learn to deal cards.

Today I am going to talk about the Judgment card (Le Jugement), a card that has a very peculiar meaning but is easy to interpret and that when it comes out in a spread you will automatically be able to deduce what it means.

This card is the penultimate of the major arcana, and in case you did not know, the major arcana is made up of 22 main cards, representing the universal archeotypes.

Well, we are going to start talking about the symbology of the judgment in the Tarot and after its interpretation when it comes up and down, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave it to me in the comments.

More content about the Tarot

Symbology of the Judgment (Le Jugement) XX

The Judgment XX card that we are going to explain and show corresponds to the Rider Tarot deck, in this deck we see the figure of an archangel represented, this corresponds to the Archangel Saint Gabriel Winged, which is found in the upper part of the card.

From the same archangel, which is surrounded by a kind of cloud, small rays sprout which we observe that illuminate the world below him.

At the bottom of the card we can see three totally naked people in the foreground. This representation refers to the Final Judgment.

We can say then that this archangel, divine servant is an envoy of God, who is coming down to earth to settle pending accounts with the people who live in this world.

Among the three naked people we observe a coffin, which indicates the end, an end that is equal for all and that no one escapes from it, and that after that end we will find another kind of life.

It is also interpreted that people are without clothes because we cannot hide anything from the eyes of God, that our actions will always be in sight of him and will be subjected to the inscrutable judgment of the Lord.

These three representations are coming out of different coffins, and it is because the judgment will be applied in a positive way, and that if we manage to overcome the tests that the judgment puts in our way, we will emerge as spiritually reinforced and renewed people.

yesMeaning of the Judgment (Le Jugement) XX

This card represents the lucidity of judgment, rebirth (spiritually), absolution and finally forgiveness of our actions and third parties. In this card one or several decisions that are made with reason and in turn with emotion are seen in the final form.
This card is directly associated with success in various aspects, it can also be interpreted as a final achievement that has been pursued and that will finally be successful by divine justice.

We can also say that the card can be interpreted as reconciliations with ourselves and with the more, that our inner struggles are clarified, and finally open peace.

Those thoughts and internal struggles that oppressed you can be overcome and forgotten, and a large part of these which have to do with your own faults or mistakes can be forgiven, making a liberating and positive judgment.

Judgment is a card of illumination, this means that it will make sense of the things and questions that we have, and that finally with that knowledge we can move in the right direction.

If the person who comes up with this card has been going through bad times, you should not worry anymore, since this card is telling you that those times are over, that the judgment of Almighty God has forgiven your mistakes and you will not have to go through it anymore. hardships, your future from now on will be happier and your efforts more successful.

Also, if this card comes out as a final result of something, this result will be magnificent and surprising, and the chances of success and triumph are totally assured.

If the consultation is about legal issues, the letter tells us that victory is assured, there can be no better letter in legal consultations.

Now we are going to talk about the most used queries and how this card would be interpreted in those card spreads.

If we talk about a person, this card is indicating that that person is in a stage of change, but these changes are very positive and will make the person in question learn very important life lessons to grow as a person. These lessons will make you change into a righteous person with impeccable judgment.

On the other hand, if we talk about love, the meaning will be that you are going to live some moments of intense love very soon, and it will be a passionate and intense love. If you are in a relationship, the trial means that the discussions are over and that reason and understanding will shine in your relationship, it is a time of reconciliation and starting from scratch.

Regarding work and the world of work, it is very positive since it is telling us that your efforts will be valued by those who judge you, all your extra work will be very well judged, the judgment towards you will be very favorable and this will lead to improvements jobs, promotions or extra income.

Money and finances are in your favor, you will have lucky breaks in the world of chance (Lotteries, bets…) of small amounts. If the question is related to economic expansion, it clearly tells us that yes, it is a good time to open the market and make investments.

yesmeaning of the Judgment (Le Jugement) XX inverted

The Judgment card reversed clearly represents a very deep self-esteem conflict. The assessment we make of ourselves is very poor, our self-esteem is rock bottom, and currently we only have doubts and fears.

He warns us that we must move forward, but that the permanent judgment to which we submit ourselves and the rest of the people will prevent us from advancing and achieving our goals.

You must stop and reflect on your actions, what you have done wrong and make a judgment about your failures, you must come face to face with yourself to overcome these conflicts that do not let you move forward.

In the realm of love the inverted judgment is telling us that bad love moments are coming, if we are alone it warns us not to try to establish a relationship since it will fail due to the prejudice of the other person.

If, on the other hand, we are in a relationship, it warns us that discussions will come, these discussions will come from hasty and poorly thought-out judgments, such as jealousy of people around us, wrong thoughts about friends of the couple.

The low value you have on yourself will cause the relationships you start to fail due to your doubts and lack of security, you have to resolve your internal conflicts before trying to establish a stable relationship.

At work, the letter warns us that it will be totally unfavorable, that we will have problems and prejudices from colleagues. We will have layoffs, judicial setbacks, although the latter will depend on the cards that accompany the spread

In our work we will have prejudices, gossip, rumors that are not true of our person, this will make us create a cloud of insecurity and confusion that will end us, so we must be prepared for this losing streak.

In money and finances, it warns us that we have to think things through before making a decision, since the card itself is not negative but reflective. Do not risk what you need to eat and do not invest if you are not sure. It warns us of possible legal setbacks or failed investments.

What Judgment (Le Jugement) XX represents in a spread

As we have commented, everything depends on the question we have asked and if it comes up or inverted.

In questions about money, it warns us that we will have good results as long as the letter comes out right, that our bosses will judge us positively and like our work done, it is time to make an effort and we will surely receive a promotion.

In love, if the judgment card comes out right, it tells us that new loves will come into our lives, that these people will judge us positively and that we will surely have a very long-lasting relationship of love and passion.

The card of judgment teaches us that premature judgments are always a mistake, and therefore they harm us, we have to make sure we fight them and be strong so they don’t bring us down.

I wait your 🗣 comments with your doubts and concerns and I send you my blessings so that your problems and difficult cases or complicated circumstances are solved.

I would also like you to follow me in my personal Facebook group if you want to talk to me directly, where we share our experiences and help each other: Join Community on Facebook

And finally, give you my purest blessings.

We read soon

Luz Silva Soler