Las Adelitas, who were and what they did in the Mexican Revolution

Together with the ranks of the Zapatista army, it became one of the most prominent militants. The end of the fight allowed him to continue his life as a man, revolutionary and macho, who had the recognition of other men. Case completely different from those men who were discovered and judged through homosexual behaviors. That only tells us that the trend stands out: if a woman or man wishes to follow the male role is fine, because throughout history that genre predominates. Instead, Being a woman has never been respected.

The case of Amelio Robles is distinguished from all, such as Rosa Bobadilla who was always recognized with a high military degree against revolutionary men. The case of Pedro Herrerawho was born as Petra Herrera– It is also different, being a woman who had to characterize himself as a man to be part of the ball; However, at the end of the armed movement he lived and recognized himself as a woman.

The most iconic image of an Adelita is the one that portrays a woman appearing in a railroad car.Casasola Archive, National Photo Library, INAH.

The immortality of the Adelitas: photography

Agustín V. Casasola captured with his lens Several scenes that show us the role of women in the revolutionary strugglemainly in the most intense period of war, between 1914 and 1916. The photos show Women who prepare food, who care for children who were born in the middle of the war, who fought in the field and carrying weapons. They were, to a large extent, the sustenance of a fight that left more than three million dead in 10 years.

The most iconic photography is the one where A welder looks out for the chorus of a railroad car, at the Buenavista station. She was captured in 1914, and belongs to a girl who accompanied her partner, a member of the Federal Army. He followed the instructions of the traitor of the revolution, Victoriano Huerta, but the courage and interest of the woman with a gun in hand stands out.

Despite the trial around the position of the military group to which he belonged, The struggle of this woman and thousands has become an example of social integration. Also, to a large extent, the Adelitas were the largest support for an armed struggle integrated by the entire Mexican society.