Lap dog – All 23 crossword puzzle answers [2024] –

A group of small dogs is called lap dogs. The following 23 lapdog breeds are also frequently asked about in crossword puzzles:

  • #1 PUG – 4 letters
  • #2 DACHSHUND – 6 letters
  • #3 PHALENE – 7 letters
  • #4 SHIHTZU – 7 letters
  • #5 LOEWCHEN – 8 letters
  • #6 MALTESE – 8 letters
  • #7 PAPILLON – 8 letters
  • #8 CHIHUAHUA – 9 letters
  • #9 HAVANESE – 9 letters
  • #10 PEKINGESE – 9 letters
  • #11 LHASAAPSO – 9 letters
  • #12 BOLOGNESE – 10 letters
  • #13 TOYSPANIEL – 10 letters
  • #14 TOY POODLE – 10 letters
  • #15 ZWERGSPITZ – 10 letters
  • #16 CRESTED DOG – 10 letters
  • #17 REHPINSCHER – 11 letters
  • #18 BICHONFRISE – 11 letters
  • #19 DWARF SPANIEL – 12 letters
  • #20 TIBETAN SPANIEL – 12 letters
  • #21 AFFENPINSCHER – 13 letters
  • #22 ZWERGPINSCHER – 13 letters
  • #23 ZWERG SCHNAUZER – 14 letters

The above breeds used to be used primarily as foot and lap warmers during the cold seasons. Among other things, the little four-legged friends were also a status symbol of the nobility. [1]

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#1 PUG – 4 letters

The Pug is the only lap dog with 4 letters. Because of its short name, these animals are often asked about in crossword puzzles.

The little four-legged friends have their origins in China. According to statistics, they are also one of the 30 most popular breeds worldwide. On the other hand, they have a relatively strong effect on hair. [2]

Fun fact: These dogs can snore loudly at a volume of up to 100 decibels – slightly louder than a standard circular saw.

#2 DACHSHUND – 6 letters

The Dachshund comes from Germany and is now one of the 12 most popular dog breeds in the world. It is also available in three different sizes. [3]

Additionally, in crossword puzzles, it is the only lapdog breed with only 6 letters. By the way, they bark a lot compared to other breeds.

Fun fact: Due to their sausage-like build, these dogs are also known as “Sausage Dog” in English-speaking countries.

#3 PHALENE – 7 letters

The Phalene is one of two subspecies of the continental toy spaniel. These lap dogs are also great as guard dogs.

However, they are rarely the solution in crossword puzzles. Because they are rather unusual outside of their French homeland. That's why they're great for training. [4]

Fun fact: This breed is living proof that small dogs don't have to be cute and cuddly. Because they often react aggressively.

#4 SHIHTZU – 7 letters

The Shihtzu comes from China and, at a whopping 18 years, is one of the longest-lived breeds in the world. And yet they almost died out in the middle of the 20th century.

However, if your crossword puzzle asks for a lap dog with 7 letters, then 80% of the time it is the Shihtzu. [5]

Fun fact: Be careful when walking the dog. This breed particularly likes to devour the feces of other dogs.

#5 LOEWCHEN – 8 letters

The Loewchen comes from Europe – but the exact country of origin is unknown. In the 1970s it was also declared the rarest breed with only 65 living specimens.

These lap dogs are also considered a symbol of special courage. They are also easy to train, bark a lot and are often asked about in crossword puzzles. [6]

Fun fact: This breed was previously primarily used as a living hot water bottle in winter.

#6 MALTESE – 8 letters

The Maltese got its name because it is said to come from Malta. However, this fact is still controversial to this day. In addition, it only weighs around 2 kg.

Since their white fur was once considered sacred, these lap dogs were already very popular in Roman times. They also appear frequently in German crossword puzzles. [7]

Fun fact: The nose color of these dogs changes depending on how much sun they get. It is naturally black – but without sunlight it turns increasingly pink.

#7 PAPILLON – 8 letters

When fully grown, the Papillon only reaches a weight of around 3.5 kg. In addition, some of these animals can live up to 17 years.

However, compared to other lap dog breeds, they rarely tolerate strange dogs. They also shed little and are often the solution to crossword puzzles. [8]

Fun fact: This breed is living proof why the saying “big mouth and nothing behind it” has its right to exist.

#8 CHIHUAHUA – 9 letters

The Chihuahua comes from Mexico and is the world's smallest dog breed. The cute lap dogs also occupy the 33rd place of the most popular dogs.

However, compared to other breeds, these Mexican toy dogs rarely get along with other dogs. They are also often part of crossword puzzles. [9]

Fun fact: 9.5 cm – that is the shoulder height of the world's smallest and most expensive Chihuahua. The smaller the animals are, the more expensive they can be sold.

#9 HAVANESE – 9 letters

The Havanese comes from Cuba and usually only weighs 4-5 kg ​​when fully grown. It is now one of the 25 most popular breeds in the world. [10]

Their popularity also explains why they often appear in crossword puzzles. These four-legged friends also bark and shed very little and are easy to train.

Fun fact: There are several hundred freckles hidden under the fur of these dogs. However, these only come into their own with a short haircut.

#10 PEKINGESE – 9 letters

The Pekingese comes from China and was originally bred specifically for life as a family and lap dog. But he is also suitable as a guard dog.

However, compared to other breeds, these dogs react aggressively more often. They also bark a lot and are regularly asked about crossword puzzles. [11]

Fun fact: The Chinese Dog Association apparently couldn't agree on the name of this breed. In total, these dogs have 11 official names.

#11 LHASAAPSO – 9 letters

The Lhasaapso has its origins in Tibet. In his homeland they are particularly popular with the local monks. These animals also live up to a whopping 20 years.

In addition, these lap dogs are considered particularly cheerful, friendly and playful. With only 9 letters, they are also more often the solution in crossword puzzles. [12]

Fun fact: Translated, “Apso” means billy goat. According to rumors, the name comes from the fact that these dogs are often stubborn.

#12 BOLOGNESE – 10 letters

The Bolognese comes from Italy. When fully grown, these lap dogs only reach 3 kg. They were also specially bred to serve as domestic dogs.

Even strangers are greeted lovingly by these dogs. On the other hand, they don't like loneliness at all. They are also asked about more often in crossword puzzles. [13]

Fun fact: So that this breed is not confused with Spaghetti Bolognese, most owners refer to it as “Bolo”.

#13 TOYSPANIEL – 10 letters

The toy spaniel comes from Great Britain and has a total of 7 recognized names. Internationally it is usually called the “Cavalier King Charles Spaniel”. [14]

In relation to their size, these lap dogs also have very long floppy ears. They are also considered very affectionate and often find their way into crossword puzzles.

Fun fact: When they run, these four-legged friends' ears swing wildly in the air. Sometimes it even makes loud bangs.

#14 TOY POODLE – 10 letters

The toy poodle comes from Germany and, according to studies, is one of the 10 most intelligent dog breeds in the world.

They are also easy to train, bark little and are considered hypoallergenic. Due to their popularity, they also appear frequently in German crossword puzzles. [15]

Fun fact: Not only can these dogs frequently do a backflip, but they can also learn a flick-flack relatively quickly.

#15 ZWERGSPITZ – 10 letters

The Pomeranian comes from Germany and lives up to 16 years. According to statistics, they are now among the 30 most popular dogs internationally. [16]

Compared to other lapdog breeds, they are also easy to train, have almost no hunting instinct and are often the solution to crossword puzzles.

Fun fact: Pessimists are annoyed by the constant barking of these dogs. Optimists, on the other hand, admire their creativity in always finding new reasons to bark.

#16 CRESTED DOG – 10 letters

The crested dog comes from China and officially belongs to the group of hairless dogs. However, there is also a subspecies of this breed with fur – the so-called “Puff”.

In the past, these lap dogs were more commonly kept by sailors to keep vermin away from the boat. They are also easy to train and often appear in crossword puzzles. [17]

Fun fact: This breed not only naturally lacks some fur, but also often lacks a few teeth.

#17 REHPINSCHER – 11 letters

The Rehpinscher is larger than most lap dogs, but still only weighs just under 4 kg. They also make great guard and family dogs.

However, these dogs have difficulty coping with cold and loneliness. They also need a lot of exercise and regularly find their way into crossword puzzles. [18]

Fun fact: These dogs are so silly and playful that they are more commonly referred to as “breed clowns.”

#18 BICHONFRISE – 11 letters

The Bichon Frize comes from Spain and, according to experience reports, often lives for more than 20 years. In the past he was also sometimes used as a circus dog.

These sweet lap dogs are now primarily kept by families. In addition, with 11 letters, they are often the solution in German crossword puzzles. [19]

Fun fact: The hair of these dogs is so soft that pillows were sometimes filled with it.

#19 DWARF SPANIEL – 12 letters

The toy spaniel comes in two different types – with and without erect ears. And yet they are hardly visually distinguishable from each other.

When fully grown, this lap dog breed only weighs around 3 kg. They also get along well with children and are rarely asked about in crossword puzzles. [20]

Fun fact: These dogs often jump in circles for joy. This is especially true when they are given something special to eat.

#20 TIBETAN SPANIEL – 12 letters

The Tibetan Spaniel was supposedly kept by humans as a lap dog more than 3,000 years ago. His masters were and still are often monks.

Because the little animals are not only particularly trusting, but also very entertaining. They also learn quickly, appear frequently in crossword puzzles and are relatively expensive. [21]

Fun fact: The name of these dogs is a bit confusing. Although they are called “spaniels”, they do not belong to the so-called spaniel breeds.

#21 AFFENPINSCHER – 13 letters
