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What is the appearance of the Llorona?
According to this supernatural myth, The Llorona is a woman dressed in white, whose face is covered with hairas if brought a kind of veil. Some versions claim that it goes barefoot, while others say that it seems to float.
What is the cry of La Llorona?
Although there are different versions of THE LEGEND OF THE LLORONAall the stories coincide in the crying of this woman, which is a lament that is heard between nothing and that symbolizes an omen of misfortune or death, «oh, my children.»
According to popular culture, the closer the cry is heard, it is that The Llorona is far away. However, those who listen to it away is that They are closer to it of what they believe.
Where is the most important representation of La Llorona?
Although the legend of the Llorona is famous in Guanajuato and Puebla, the most important theatrical representation of this character It is done in Mexico Cityspecifically in the Tlilac Lagoon, part of the Cuemanco Chinampas area in Xochimilco. Every year, different actors give life to this legend on dates close to the dead.
But why is this representation done in Xochimilco? In this part of the city there are Cihuacóatl recordsAztec deity that, by announcing war, death, disease and natural catastrophes, cried for their people, that is, for their children.
Are there popular songs about La Llorona?
The Llorona is a Mexican popular song original from Tehuantepec, Oaxacawith more than 500 versions. However, both the author and the date of its creation is uncertain, as well as its Relationship with legend of this character. Interpreted by artists such as Chavela Vargas, Lola Beltrán, Natalia Lafourcade and Ángela Aguilar, currently this song is known internationally.