Know the «turtle shell» plant

The turtle shell plant can grow a lot with ideal care.

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The origin of the turtle shell plant

There are several species of Dioscoreas that are from the same family, but The one that looks like a turtle shell It has its origin in Mexico, so the name of MEXICAN DOS. Thanks to the fact that this plant is a tuber, There are many crops that focus on their reproduction for consumption and its cultivation is the basis of the economy of many rural areas of developing countries.

This is how the turtle shell is seen before flourishing.

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A rock -shaped tuber

As we have said, The main attraction of this plant is the way in which its roots and base growsince they form a semi -inferous cortex with thick polygonal scales that simulate the shape of a turtle or rock shell. This tuber is an underground stem, covered with yolks which can produce aerial branches, roots and new tubers. In an ideal habitat, plants can weigh between 250 to 300 kg, get to have a height of 2.5m and a diameter of 1 m.

The Dioscorea Mexicana is a true work of living artchanging since the polygons that are formed on their surface vary in size and depth. Apart from the climbing plants that bloom from this plant, in season you can see beautiful greenish yellow flowers, which flourish with a diameter of approx 12 cm.