Know the real history of the heroes

The children heroes, the true story


On September 13, the anniversary of the Chapultepec Castle Battle either Children's Day Heroes. This date is celebrated year after year thanks to six cadets that studied at the Military College —With headquarters in the ** Chapultepec Castle ** – they defended the homeland of US invaders.

The story of THE SIX CHILDREN HEROES It has been modified over the years, to the degree of having myths about their death and about themselves. The most repeated speech that the boys had been punished and therefore were in the enclosure when the battle broke out. They enjoyed a party and therefore, Juan Escutia fell into the vacuum rolled on the flag; However, there is much more behind a simple rumor. Then we tell you The true history of the heroes and the battle of Chapultepec.

They were the children heroes:

THE SIX CHILDREN HEROES who defended the country during the Battle of Chapultepecthey were between 13 and 20 years of age. Everyone died in battle (or later) demonstrating their courage. Every year, a few days before the commemoration of Mexico's independence A ceremony is celebrated in his honor and there is a monument that honors them.

Vicente Suárez

He was born in Puebla and was very low of stature, which facilitated his hiding place. Still took a rifle and undertook the escape to defend the Chapultepec Castle. He was 14 years old at his death.

Fernando Montes de Oca

With 18 years, the native of Mexico City belonged to the first company, so he was trained to fight before any attack that could ever occur in the Chapultepec Castle.

Francisco Márquez

Being the youngest in the group with 12 years of age, he was one of The heroes What is most remembered, thanks to his courage. He was born in Guadalajara and now he is part of The illustrious characters born in Guadalajara.

Juan de la Barrera

He was 19 years old at the time of his death. Born in Mexico City, he was a descendant of Pedro de la Barrera one of the Spanish conquerors who arrived with Hernán Cortés.

Agustín Melgar

Although he was born in Chihuahua, he lived all his childhood in Mexico City where he took care of his younger sister for several years. It is known as The most practical of the group since he tried to create a new gun during the battle.

Juan Escutia

Is the best known of the Heroes since it is believed that it was launched with the flag of Mexico from the top of the Chapultepec Castlealthough it is a myth that has been demented several occasions for various reasons. He was 20 years old at the time of his death.