Know the Mexican plants that are in danger of extinction

Know some of the endemic species of Mexico that are in danger of extinction.


Mexico It is a country recognized for its biodiversity, however, in recent years it has been announced that some endemic plants of our country that They are in danger of extinction.

It is estimated that they exist More than 10 thousand species of Mexican plants of which around 2,500 are considered under some type of threat. Of these, 945 endemic species They are found in Danger of extinction.

Climate change and loss of natural habitats due to human activity, are the main causes that have caused these Endemic species They are in danger of extinction, however, both Mexican institutions and environmental organizations fight for their preservation.

Here are some of the Mexican plants in danger of extinction.

Mammillaria Herrerae, also known as Biznaga Bola de Co -ball.


Biznaga Bola of thread

The Biznaga thread ball or herrerae mammillary, It is an endemic plant of Querétaro considered in danger of extinction. The critical reduction of its habitat due to agriculture, illegal extraction and commerce as a ornamental plant, are the main causes that it will be at risk.