Know the method of the plate to eat healthy

It’s funny, but colors can tell you exactly what to eat. Likewise, extended plates are an excellent tool to plan your food correctly. It’s very simple, the plate method has been used for thousands of years without us necessarily being aware of it.

A plate can be divided into 4/4. We know that a balanced meal is key to being well nourished, having energy, and also savoring different stimuli without your food necessarily being boring.

This is the plate method:

1/4 of your plate should contain carbohydrates (starch): choose between pasta, rice, or cereals, bread, etc.

1/4 of your plate should provide you with protein: such as poultry, fish and meat. Or of vegetable origin: soybeans, nuts, mushrooms and legumes.

1/2 of your plate should be green: salads and vegetables. Preferably mix a delicious fresh salad with lettuce, tomato and other additions, and in the other half of your green part place vegetables such as beets, cauliflower, or broccoli.

A well-balanced dish, it also has different colors (although mostly green), as if nature itself was showing us the way.

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