Knots in the hair witchcraft Is there witchcraft with hair?

Knots in the hair witchcraft Have you woken up several mornings in a row with knots in your hair? And you wonder what it means to dawn with knots in your hair? It is logical to consider that this situation can transmit some message, omen and even think that you are being the object of some kind of spell or witchcraft.

So here we are going to analyze what is related to knots in witchcraft hair. Is there witchcraft with hair?


hair and its symbolism

Hair is something very personal and spiritual for each of us, since it can reflect our most intimate emotions and features and is a unique source of power and spiritual energy.

It protects the top of the head, where the crown chakra is located. The crown chakra allows you to access the highest states of consciousness and be connected to the universe.

Native Americans and African peoples agree that hair connects them to nature and the life force that surrounds them.

Hence, it is a widely used ingredient in the performance of different rituals and witchcraft spells related to knots.


The connection with the knots

Historically, knots were used for a wide variety of magical functions. Historians like Herodotus (400 BC) used them to memorize specific chronicles.

People also used them to mark time on travel, to count the days between major festivals, and to follow lunar observances in various rituals. The Hebrews even went so far as to turn the knots into an alphabet and writing system.

However, the true power of knot magic lies in its strong symbolic value. Spellbooks repeatedly show how a knot bound sickness and spirit or when loosened conjured up a specific type of weather. To the basic process of binding or loosening the magician used other common tools. Among them, numerology, color associations and spells as a means to direct your energy.

As amulets are considered protective, the witch would create a knot or a series of knots (the number is symbolic) to fight disease, protect well-being, prevent soldiers from being injured or promote the safety of children, and even cast spells. with knots for healing purposes.

In that sense, the Babylonians like the Romanians used knots as healing. Typically, ropes were created with the appropriate number of knots (depending on the disease), and placed over the problem area for a set number of days.

Afterward, the knot was ritually destroyed (by burning the disease, tied to a tree), or thrown into running water away from the patient to overcome or drive away the disease.


So if there is this type of spell? What is it for?

To answer the question Knots in the hair witchcraft Does witchcraft with hair exist?, we must start by indicating that it is very old (and there is even talk in certain regions of Latin America that witches make knots in the mane of witches at night). horses and that at dawn his owners find him like this).

In this sense, there is a very popular spell (especially in the United States and Europe) called a witch’s ladder made of knotted rope or hair (for greater power) and has a series of knotted amulets, each of which has specific magical intentions.

However, the first official record of this type of witch’s ladder spell (witchcraft hair knots) was when one was discovered in a house in Wellington, Somerset, in 1878. It was found during the demolition of the house in question in the space that separated the roof from the upper rooms and was totally inaccessible from inside the house.

It is important to note that the purpose of hair witchcraft (hair knots witchcraft) can be of two types. One of them, the positive one, consists of conquering a great love, finding the dream soulmate and starting a beautiful, unforgettable and lasting love story. However, there is also the negative in order to confuse people in problems that cannot easily find a solution.

In the event that you feel that you have negative hair witchcraft, it is recommended to pray the following prayer daily for seven days.

also know What to do in each lunar phase and the relationship of the moon and hair

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Prayer to close the body against evil (against knots in the hair witchcraft)

Lord, kind Father, grant me the key to close my body against all evil.

My body, which was given by You, has weaknesses that need to be closed to prevent the entry of evil.

My body, which belongs to you, is weak and easily influenced, and my strength to withstand evil influences on it is limited.

Therefore, merciful God, I request your help.

I fully trust in You, oh God, and I ask you to protect my body from all evil, from bad influences, from temptations, from bad looks, from violence, from accidents.

I ask you to remove from me every enemy, visible and invisible.

Closed body against evil.

Heavenly Father, Your miracle will make my body an impenetrable rock.

Your love will increase my strength and endurance, oh Lord.

Closed body against evil.

Mind and heart turned to the Lord.

I trust.

My body is closed and is a rock.


If you want to know more about knots in witchcraft hair. Is there witchcraft with hair? You can write to our email or social networks.


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