Kings day, origin and why it is celebrated

Incense: This is an offering that was only made to God, so bringing Jesus a bit, was a sign of his divinity.

Myrrh: This, on the contrary, was a sign of the humanity of Christ and of course, his mission of living and dying for men.

Gold: This material was only given to the kings, which alluded to Jesus was the king of the Jews.

Did there really exist a fourth magician king?Benoitb / Getty Images.

Was there a fourth magician king?

Much has been said that Kings Day must celebrate four magicians and not threeit is believed that together with Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar, Artabán was traveling. However, the legend says that in reality, Artabán would wait for the kings in Borsippa, near Mount Ushita, his home, to leave with them to Bethlehem and find the child God. However, it never happened.

It is said that Artabán was a long beard man And very noble with the gift of perceiving events that others ignored and sensed that something would not go well, but I didn't know what. He carried precious stones for the child, including Rubí, Jade and Diamonds, which he was taking care of jealously, until he met a man who had assaulted and beaten to such a degree that he had nothing. Artabán gave him a diamond to help him, but that delayed his trip and when he arrived at the destination he found a note of the other three kings in which they told him they could not wait for him anymore.

Given this, Artabán continued his way to Bethlehem, And as expected, there was no sign of the child God, because his parents had fled to Egypt after the order to kill those under two years, dictated by King Herod.