Karsivan for Dogs: Dosage, Side Effects & Application

To our chagrin, the lives of our beloved four-legged friends are coming to an end more quickly than is the case with us.

The aging process is also in dogs with various physical problems connected and that without becoming one real, serious or life-threatening illness comes.

Age simply causes bodily functions to slow down and the immune system defences. Dementia is one of those symptoms.

Today we want to show what Karsivan can do for your senior dog in this case.

Effect of Karsivan in the dog

Karsivan supports numerous bodily functions your aging dog. We will briefly present these effects to you:

  • Karsivan improves blood flow to the brainthus preventing dementia and increasing mental abilities.
  • Karsivan also promotes blood circulation in the muscles and thus ensures an improvement in movement disorders such as fatigue too quickly.
  • There too vessels kept wide become and become the Improve blood flow propertiesresulting in good heart health.
  • For shortness of breath improved Karsivan the Breathing through dilated bronchi.

Areas of application of Karsivan in dogs

Karsivan is prescribed by the veterinarian. Gladly after check-ups of senior dogs who have circulatory disorders in the cerebral and peripheral areas.

These can also be vestibular syndrome manifest.

This is a disturbance of the sense of balance and you can easily tell if your dog suddenly starts to feel unsteady when walking.

The sense of direction is struck, dizzy spells may occur along with nausea and vomiting.

circulatory disorders can to one incipient dementia lead, which in turn can be seen from the fact that your darling no longer recognizes commands.

Karsivan Dosage & Application

There is Karsivan in tablet form of 50 mg and 100 mg. If you follow the recommendation of 3 mg per kg body weight of your dog, the following dosing options arise:

For the use of 50 mg Karsivan tablets in dogs, the following applies per dose:

  • ¼ tablet for up to 4 kg body weight
  • ½ tablet for 5 to 8 kg body weight
  • 1 tablet for 9 to 15 kg body weight
  • 1 ½ tablets for 16 to 25 kg body weight
  • 2 tablets at 26 to 33 kg body weight
  • 3 tablets if you weigh more than 34 kg

For the use of 100 mg Karsivan in dogs, the following dosages apply per dose:

  • ½ tablet at 9 to 15 kg
  • 1 tablet at 16 to 33 kg
  • 1 ½ tablets if over 34 kg

In doing so, Karsivan becomes the dog twice daily administered. with that one interval of 12 hours between the individual intakes, this is recommended in the morning and in the evening.

A applies to the administration 30 minute interval to feed. So can the tablet half an hour before feeding hidden in a treat or small ball of food.

Scores on the tablets ensure that the dosage is easy to handle.

What side effects does Karsivan have in dogs?

side effects from Karsivan, even with a lifetime giftare hardly known.

Also interactions fall with other drugs statistically irrelevant.

Should it still be closed intolerances should be discussed with the attending veterinarian as to whether the dose needs to be reduced or whether another drug should be tried to treat the age-related symptoms.

Side effects can include skin allergies, such as skin fungus in dogs, and vomiting.


Should the Administration of Karsivan with your four-legged friend still no improvement after 4 weeks show, then is also with the vet to make an appointment.

Karsivan experiences: That’s what other dog owners say

If you are unsure about the use of this medication, you can Recommendations and reviews about Karsivan in the dog in online pharmacies read through.

They are mostly positive and report an improvement in the health of their dogs after a few weeks.

Especially the good tolerability of the drug is emphasized and stresses that some older dogs will now take it for life because of the marked improvement in symptoms even after canine strokes.

Where can I buy Karsivan for dogs?

Karsivan can do both in online pharmacies as well as in stationary branches be bought if a prescription from the veterinarian present.

In addition to the tablet form, Karsivan can also be found as a paste if there is no way to mix the medication in tablet form with your darling’s food.

Karsivan in the dog – informational video


The drug Karsivan is especially for aging dogs and associated signs of aging designed.

It helps not only in circulatory disorderswhich to dementia or vestibular syndrome can lead, but also provides after strokes to improve coordination.

The majority of holderswho administer Karsivan to their dogs enthused from the good compatibility and the visible improvement in general condition their canine seniors.

side effects are related to overdose known and disappear immediately after the reduction.

We would be happy if you also report on your experiences with Karsivan with your darling.