Jerusalem Syndrome: What it is and how it affects mental health – Online Psychologists

Traveling is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Getting to know new countries and learning about their cultures can be very enriching. However, there are times when these trips lead to the development of psychological disorders such as Jerusalem syndrome.

What is Jerusalem syndrome?

Jerusalem is a holy city located in the Middle East, which is considered one of the most important places for the three main religions. monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Jerusalem syndrome is a psychological disorder affecting people who visit the city of Jerusalem and also to the inhabitants who live there. It is characterized by the appearance of symptoms related to psychosis, and in the most severe cases delusions and hallucinations, in individuals who have a emotional and spiritual connection very intense with the city. In this, one of the attractions and that everyone who goes wants to visit is «The Wailing Wall«. It is said that everyone who visits it begins to develop this type of syndrome due to the spiritual environment surrounding it.

Usually, people who suffer from this syndrome They feel identified with biblical figures like Jesus of Nazareth, Moses or Mary Magdalene and adopt the behaviors that characterized them.

The influence of the religion that each person practices will play a very important role in this type of disorder. For example, Christians tend to imitate to the characters that made up the New Testamentwhile the Jews identify themselves more with those of the Old TestamentFurthermore, women tend to identify with important female figures of the time and men with male figures.

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The origins of this syndrome were explained by the Doctor Yair Bar-El who was the first to identify this syndrome. 500 tourists were taken to hospitalof which he was a doctor, due to the problems they began to suffer, in Jerusalem, related to their behaviors. Many had to be treated and admitted to hospital. It was estimated that the 66% were Jews, 33% Christians and a 1% were not governed by any religion.

That Jerusalem sea rich in religion, history and politics could have been causes that triggered the flare of symptoms which we will see below in the people who suffered from it.

For other specialists, this type of syndrome was related to the Florence syndrome which goes a bit hand in hand with this one. Travelers visiting Florence also began to behave strangely.


Although these may vary depending on the person and their severity, the most common are:

  • Religious or mystical delusionsPeople affected by this syndrome come to believe that they are prophets or biblical figures.
  • Hallucinations. Getting to hear voices or see images related to religion or historical figures from the Bible.
  • Anxiety. Due to the emotional overload, after the strong connection they experience with the city.
  • Disorientation and confusionPeople may feel disoriented or confused if they realize that their beliefs are different from reality.
  • Strange behavior. Performing rituals motivated by their delusional beliefs.
  • Need to scream Bible verses or psalms anywhere.

Types of Jerusalem syndrome

According to physician Yair Bar-El, people who have developed this syndrome can be divided into three main types.

  • First typeThis type is usually the one that most people with the syndrome develop. These people's ideas include traveling to Jerusalem because their crazy ideas have motivated them to go to what they consider to be the sacred land, which is Jerusalem for them. Within this first type, we can find several subtypes.
    • Subtype 1. People identify with a biblical character who has left a mark on their lives.
    • Subtype 2. They identify with a religious idea and even with a specific political idea.
    • Subtype 3. They attribute to the city of Jerusalem the place where people can be cured of the diseases they suffer from.
    • Subtype 4. Showing their mental problems as family problems.
  • Second typeIn this case, people usually show psychological problems and ideas that only they experience, reaching the point of presenting obsessive ideas.
    • Lonely people who attract attention but do not receive specialized care.
  • Third type. Here, people have not previously developed any kind of psychological disorder. Instead, they will be the ones who suffer from psychotic episodes as soon as they arrive in the city.

Treatment with the help of an online psychologist

This type of treatment is based on a combination of medical care and psychological support, and it is important that those affected by it receive care from psychologists specializing in psychotic disorders. The treatments usually followed are:

  • Individual therapyThis type of psychological therapy can help the individual explore and understand the beliefs and emotions triggered by this type of syndrome.
  • Emotional support by family and friends, helping them return to where it all began.
  • MedicationMedications such as antipsychotics will be essential in some cases to control psychotic or anxiety symptoms that may develop.
  • HospitalizationIn the most extreme cases, people suffering from these types of syndromes may need to be hospitalized for their own safety.

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