Jerusalem Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Have you heard of Jerusalem syndrome? It is a hallucination that some people suffer when they arrive in the city of Jerusalem, which can lead them to believe that they are the Messiah himself. This phenomenon also occurs in other cities, such as Florence, Nepal, India… Although its variants are less known.

This syndrome is so well known that it has even been depicted in the famous American series The Simpsons.

What is Jerusalem syndrome and what causes it?

Jerusalem syndrome is a psychological disorder that affects many people who live in or visit the city of Jerusalem, causing delusions.

In fact, there are different types of patients who have developed this syndrome and who, therefore, may present different causes and ways of developing it.

First type

They are those people who phave some type of previous psychotic disorder. This case is the most common, meaning that most people who develop Jerusalem Syndrome have had a previous diagnosis. Within this group:

  • There are people who They believe they are biblical characters or identify with them.
  • Others They believe they personify a religious or political idea.
  • Other kind of people too believed that the city has healing properties.
  • People who believe that their psychological problems are not personal, but family-related.

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Second type

People who belong to this group often have undiagnosed psychological problems. In most cases, they are simply trying to get attention or to get rid of loneliness.

Third type

The third and last type are those people who do not have previous psychological pathologies. However, these people upon arriving in the city may suffer a psychotic outbreak.

What are the symptoms of Jerusalem Syndrome?

This psychological disorder can present, as we have said, different symptoms depending on the person. However, we can group a series of symptoms that give us a clue to identify it:

  • Nervousness, tension and anxiety.
  • Need to wear a white robe.
  • Tendency to give public speeches.
  • Need to shout verses from the Bible or religious verses in public.
  • People who suffer from Jerusalem syndrome also feel the desire to visit the city on your ownalone.
  • Desire of to make a procession to the holy places.

Is it possible to treat Jerusalem Syndrome?

The treatment of Jerusalem Syndrome will also depend on the type of group to which the individual belongs, that is, on the factors prior to the development of this disorder.

The best option is to have the appropriate treatment prescribed by a specialist. The simplest, so to speak, is to treat the group that does not have previous psychopathy, because in this case it usually disappears on its own, especially if the person leaves the city. In any case It is advisable to go to psychological therapy as long as your symptoms last.

In other cases, they may be admitted based on their symptoms and pathology (this case is usually more common in patients of the first type). Or, the treatment would combine medications, such as prescribed tranquilizers, psychological care and social support.

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