Javier Martín, from Caiga quien Caiga: Bipolar is already a great honor – Online Psychologists

In the mid-90s, fame landed in the life of a very young man Javier Martin. Although the Madrid actor had already appeared in iconic programs such as Innocent, innocent and for series like Pharmacy on call either Family Doctorwas in Fall who falls where he found success.

Dressed in suits and wearing black sunglasses, the reporters on Gran Wyoming's programme became the sensation of the moment. For six wonderful years, Javier Martín combined his work as a reporter with his career as an actor, which was beginning to take off both on television and in film.

Caiga quien caído was cancelled in 2002, but Javier Martín continued to appear on television, on the big screen, and on stage. His career was prosperous, but not everything was going as well as it seemed. In 2011, bipolarity suddenly came into her life.

«It was a bang, a mental explosion at a house party on the evening of December 24, 2011. I went into a manic phase and thought I was dying. (…). After a while they took me to the psychiatrist and told me that I am bipolar.

Since then, Javier Martín has had a complex relationship with his mental health. his book Bipolar, much honor now makes readers witnesses of the ups and downs he has experienced, almost always with a touch of humor.

However, the presenter was not always able to take his problem with humour, which was compounded by the effects of depression and suicidal thoughts. In fact, Martin has confessed that he was «on the verge of jumping off a seventh floor and dying» and she would have done so if she had not been stopped by the idea of ​​leaving her husband alone.

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Javier Martín, on the lack of information about bipolarity: “There are no references to look up to and learn from”

The bipolarity It is a mental disorder characterized by the alternation of depressive episodescharacterized by a deep sadness, with manic episodesof great exaltation.

Today, Javier Martín describes mania as «a world of different, extrasensory perceptions» and depression as a phase full of anguish, pain and suffering «where everything is dark and black.»

However, at that time, neither he nor those close to him had much information on the subject: «We think a lot about the person who suffers from a mental disorder, but not about his family and friends, «They also suffer a lot and often feel completely lost because they don't know how to treat you.»

The actor has recounted how her husband, in an attempt to help her, tried to find out more and got fully involved in the search for stories of people who had gone through the same thing. He also remembers that he couldn't find them: «There are no role models to look up to and learn from.»

Now, he admits, the situation is less bleak. The media and some political parties are trying to introduce mental health into the public debate.

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