Japanese massage, an alternative for physical and mental well-being!

definitely a good japanese massage it can make not only your body feel better, but your mind relaxed and active.

Asian cultures are famous in the world for the development of relaxation techniques. Perhaps some time you have heard mention of the Japanese massage but the truth is that it is not just one but a variety of them.

Just as there are ancient massages for all tastes and functional for you, there are some of the Japanese type that you may not have known but that we are going to present to you:

What is Japanese massage?

Japanese massage is often taken as a therapeutic cure dating back several centuries. This practice would improve health and well-being thanks to the stimulation of various organs, which activate the flow of blood energy. Through very simple and short-term massages focused on the extremities, back and neck, the vital functions of the body could be regulated.

Japanese massage: classes and how to do them

There are various types of Japanese sessions that are worth trying. For example, there is the Nuru technique, a kind of tantric massage that would improve intimacy. There is also Shiatsu which is medicinal or therapeutic.

Perhaps some of the most recognized are the Kobido and the Anmu. We tell you particularities of these:

Kobido massage

This mythical facial massage seeks to work all the meridians of the face. Its purpose is to balance the Qi (flow of vital energy) in the skin and in each of the muscles of the face. The result should be to rejuvenate the dermis, eliminate fine lines and deep wrinkles. Usually, the Kobido technique is performed especially on the face, skull and neck, using manual movements that alternate with massages on subcutaneous muscle areas to stimulate blood circulation, the production of collagen and elastin, and the elimination of toxins.

anmu massage

Although this technique was originally born in China, the Japanese perfected it. It is also applied to the energy meridians distributed in the body, but performing the massage while the patient is sitting in a special chair. It is done by exercising stretches that move and generate pressure in the passages of vital energy (Qi) in the muscles. In the end, you would notice a balance in your circulation and a feeling of lightness in your body and mind, as it would free you from tension and stress.

In which cases do I need a Japanese massage?

It is usually recommended for people who suffer from high blood pressure, varicose veins, mental and physical fatigue. Aesthetic type patients such as premature aging. Many times, it could also be practiced for muscle and joint ailments, but you should know that in the event of any major discomfort, you should immediately see a doctor.

Japanese massage videos

We share a video with these therapeutic techniques but remember that their good results are given when you visit an expert in the field. Learn how to make them at home but we suggest you be discreet with what you see in this video:

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