Jadeite jade is composed of pyroxene jadeite, is a rare sodium aluminum silicate and more precious than nephrite. It is the most appreciated in the world of jewelry; and also for your comfort. Joya Energie sells only jadeite jade.

The denomination Jade covers two different minerals: jadeite jade and nephrite jade, which are formed under very high pressure, 10,000 atmospheres, but at a fairly low temperature of 200 to 300 degrees. The French geologist, Alexis Damour distinguished these two jades in 1863. He described and named jadeite at this date, having observed a variety of jadewhose composition was different from the variety he had observed almost 20 years earlier in 1846.

These two jades are part of the silicate family. There is another rock that is part of the silicate family that is very similar to these two types of jade, it is kosmochlor, an emerald green silicate. This rock has been described in 1897 by the German mineralogist Hugo Laspeyresqui who observed it in a ferrous meteorite near Toluca, in Mexico. Hence the name of kosmochlor, from the German kosmischle (cosmic) due to its meteoritic origin and from the Greek Khlôros (green) due to its color.

Jadeite jade is made up of pyroxene jadeite, which is a rare sodium and aluminum silicate and more precious than Nephrite. If these two rocks are marketed under the same name of jade, the jadeite remains as a harder, finer stone, with the most striking greens. It is the most appreciated in the world of jewelry and energy.

Most of the jades are green, very pale green, they can even be seen from practically white (pure jade), to bright and tender green.. We can also find rare naturally pink and mauve jades containing iron and manganese, and black jades colored by titanium. The blue-green and dark blue jades, respectively called Olmec jade and Mayan jade, come from Central America, a great producer of jade.

Jadeite is allochromatic, which means that pure, it is naturally transparent, colorless. But in reality, it is translucent, white or pale gray, due to impurities and due to defects in the crystal lattice. Jadeite of high purity is rare. It is generally almost opaque and colored by certain transition metals present in the form of traces: mainly iron, titanium, chromium, manganese.

The most common color is green, from lightest to darkest. More rarely, other tints are possible: bluish-green, blue, pink-purple, purple, tan-orange. Its shine is vitreous or subvitreous, slightly pearly when the structure is fibrous, pearly on the cleavage, greasy on polished faces. His trail is white.

Identity card of Jadeite Jade

Jadeite jade is part of the pyroxenes, meaning in Greek, «foreign fire». Its family of minerals is the inosilicate group, that is, the fibrous silicates. On the other hand, the prefix inos in ancient Greek it is translated as fiber. Silicates are salts that combine silica with other metal oxides, such as aluminium, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium or even sodium. They constitute the most important family of minerals, about 97% of the earth’s crust. Jadeite is part of the ferromagnesian silicates, such as peridots or garnets.

The minerals found in jadeite jade can also be found in our body, such as iron, copper, chromium, magnesium.

Iron is the essential element in the manufacture of red hemoglobin in blood cells and in muscle myoglobin. When iron needs are not met, consequences are felt on the body, such as fatigue, decreased intellectual manifestations (activities), fragility in the face of disturbance.

Chromium is an essential trace element necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates whose lack can lead to hyperglycemia.

Sodium plays an important role in the hydration status of the body. It also helps maintain acid-base balance and is essential in the transmission of nerve impulses as well as muscle contraction.

Manganese plays several roles in the body, but it is preferably used in its role as a regulator of immune function and antioxidant. These two properties allow it to simultaneously contribute to the strengthening of the body’s defense systems and oppose cellular and organic tissue injuries, caused by all the conflict situations that take place within the human body.

Sources: passeportsante.net