Between 1920 and 1924, both Japanese gardeners proposed President Álvaro Obregón to sow Jacaranda trees In the main streets of the city, this idea was quite attractive to the politician, so he ended up yielding to permission.
Tatsugoro and Sonshiro executed a breeding plan of Jacarandas In his nurseries when the tree had already been brought from Brazil. Father and son thought it would be a great idea since the climatic conditions of the city were perfect for the species.
Some reports say that, during the time in which the Japanese were persecuted by the US government as reprisals in their intervention in the world conflict, Sishiro bought the former Temixco farm in the state of Morelos, with the aim of building a shelter so that their nationals would take refuge and live on the crops.
Since then until today, the Jacaranda It became a great symbol of Mexico City and continue to shine year after year during spring, which makes it very clear that the work of Matsumoto men left important fruits throughout the Mexican country.
In addition to beautiful, the jacaranda has medicinal benefits that you can take advantage of as long as its consumption is supervised by an expert.Gerrie Van Der Walt / Unspash
La Jacaranda and its medicinal benefits
Use the decoction of the root of the Jacaranda It serves as sweat, this helps expel toxins and stimulate the immune system through perspiration, even has a very similar effect to that of ginger before colds.
This syrup has also been used as an antidote to treat venereal and gastric diseases, in addition to anthrax or anthrax, liver adecenes, skin inflammations, hemorrhoids and blood detoxification due to its diuretic and diaphoretic properties.
The Jacaranda They have antiseptic properties and the liquid of the decoction can treat acne, syphilis, superficial wounds, chickenpox, sores and bone pain. It is important that you remember that Medicinal use of the jacaranda It must be administered by an expert, as a bad dosing or misuse can have serious consequences.
Spring is considered one of the favorite stations of the year and Jacaranda It makes it even more special.